Is Galax "Titletown" Va

Nov 4, 2011
Saw on another board that Galax has won @ 10 team sports championships the last 5 years!! 2 in Basketball,1 in Baseball ,2 in Soccer, 2 Cross Country, 1 Tennis and 3 in Golf a football runner-up couple B-ball semi apperareances.......if they win the Big One in Football it would add to impressive total. Any other schools out there with anything close to that in Boys sports?
I'm sure someone from Radford will be on to list their achievements, I think they have more than a few state titles...................
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Radford certainly does. Always competitive in nearly all sports. I just think for this short window of time the edge would have to go to Galax. But I would only go that far if they win this one as well. Look out though I'm not going to be shocked if they have another soccer title coming in June.
I am very truthful in that I had no idea that Galax had that many State titles. All I can say is WOW. We are talking about a school of about 300 students. Galax is a city school, most kids are within walking distance of the school I guess, which means in my opinion, if or when the doors are open, they will be there to for the workouts and extra time in the gym, or on the field, probably on their own.
More important, My take is Coaches such as Dixion, does not even have to encourage the kids; they are there knowing that their time in the gym or weight room is their ticket to a possible Championship.

I can remember when Galax was just average in sports, but I could see the individual talent. It was there, but they just needed direction and someone to capture all that talent into a team approach to the sport.

Success breeds success. That My friends is what Galax is experiencing at this time. The school is blessed with athletes that many schools could only dream of having. But, most important, Galax is blessed to have Coaches that have a lot of knowledge of sports, and can show the kids the finer points of the game, that just my give them an edge in a close game. Or the coaches knowledge of the game is such that, they figure out what the limits or weaknesses are, and know where to expose that with a successful play.

Galax High School is to be commended on their success in sports. They have set the bar high for schools in SWVA and across the Commonwealth for an example of what good coaching, dedicated athletes, and a desire to be winners can produce if everyone is on the same page of life as a student athlete and with adults giving them the proper direction, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the sport.
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Chilwar I'm a Galax alum, appreciate the kind words about our school. I will correct and say hardly anyone is within walking distance of The HS.

I would cite a couple of reasons:

1) like you said success breeds success. Bill Sturgill and Yerrick Stoneman both years ago joined GCPS. I don't know them personally, but know for a fact both understand the importance of successful athletics for a thriving high school community. Galax has seen major improvements both financially and from a coaching standpoint in nearly all sports. This hasn't been by accident.

2) Perhaps the most important reason. Galax can draw county kids. This is Carroll, Grayson, and Alleghany NC. I'm not sure the legislation but I know Galax does draw a few county kids every year. A couple successful kids from NC on roster now. A stud O lineman lives in Carroll County. Galax follows the rules, doesn't recruit. But when a school starts winning, if people have the choice they may take the option they think will benefit them most. Flip this around I dont think CITY kids have the same option to go to the county schools if they wish.

3) Galax should be down in basketball this year. However a repeat in soccer will be expected, and baseball has talent to make a run.

Lots of talent in the 8th and 9th grades coming up.
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Thanks HokieO015 for your post. Also I appreciate your correction on my thought that there were students within walking distance of the school. That was just an impression I got since Galax is a City school.

I am still amazed at the athletic success at Galax. My I ask one other question about Galax. What is the student population of Galax, and is Galax gifted with a diverse population of students athletes? I think Galax High School is to be commended on their success in sports and I also commend the administration of the school for promoting sports and extra curricular activities that promotes the school as a positive influence for your youth.

I see Galax as a model school, and I can only hope and wish other schools would see what Galax has done for the students and adopt some of the attitudes that help guide Galax with all the success at Galax High.
Thanks for your input about Galax High School, My Friend
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Chilwar, you made an interesting inference about the kids being in walking distance of the city school. Being an alum I will speak to that. Half of the kids live in the city and half live outside the city. Galax has a diverse socio economic student body. But, we all have one thing in common. We are all proud of our school. Equipment to play sports isn't cheap. At Galax it is not uncommon for wealthier families to support kids that are not their own. The teachers and staff at the school are second to none. They really believe in the kids and they don't let kids cut corners.
The rec, center also helps young kids develop basketball talent all year round. Everyday after school dozens of kids walk to the rec center to play.
Over all it's a diverse school(especially by SWV standards) with strong leadership.
Pride in our school brings us together and diversity makes us stronger.
Hey Rugby, thanks so much with your info about Galax High. Your school My Friend, is blessed in so many ways beyond what other schools have in SWVA. In most schools, there is not a whole lot of financial assistance beyond what is given by the local boards. There are some exceptions i.e. Richlands and Honaker have artificial turf that was given to my understanding to the schools.

That is not to say that our communities are not blessed with well to do folks, but most chose not to donate their funds, not even to their churches in many cases. I have heard thinking from them like; Well I pay my taxes and I ain't giving no more! I am sure there are some exceptions to what I have said, and if that is the case then, great for them to realize the need that local schools face financially to try to educate our youth.

We have teachers that have to buy school supplies out of their own pockets for the students in their class to assist those who can not afford the supplies, or the boards fail to fund. Education comes first in our schools. But for a lot of kids, we have to provide a proper learning atmosphere for the student, and we have to keep them interested in school, and off the streets and off the sofa, and in the gym or on the field of play.

Galax High is a special school in SWVA My Friends. We see by just two responses their diversity of students, their love for sports by their boards and administration, and their financial support they receive by their comminity. All of this has evolved into a formula for success for Galax High School, and a model for others to follow.
City of Galax has done very well for the community as a whole. II can remember dreading the trip there in high school...thinking it was a pit. Not anymore. Places on Main Street, Creek Bottom on the back street, as well as the renovated downtown setting make it a destination for us now! Can't wait to get back actually. So anyway...let's get that other title now, Tide!
My I add one thing that Galax has, that most county schools do not have, a Recreation Center. The gym that my school plays basketball in is the smallest gym in SWVA. I tried to get the local board of supervisors to build a new school gym, similar to one they built for another school in the county, which is even smaller than the other, and they refused, period.

Our school gym is so small it can not hold all of the people at graduation, but that still does not get into the narrow minds of our local officials, so to speak. Their only priority is to keep taxes low, and their goal is a balanced budget, irregardless of the needs of the schools. It seems they cater to a few in the political parties, and ignore the true needs of their majority of their constituents, the students in the schools, and the teachers and coaches who educate the very people that will some day help provide the taxes to help them pay their bills when they are in a home for adults or a nursing home in the future.

I am sorry I got off on a subject that I have battled for years, but SWVA is blessed with good people, and that includes folks in my county that are good Christian folks, who do give to their Churches, and do support their schools in a lot of ways, that we do not see. I am not blind to the ones that do, and I commend them for their support. I will be very frank when I say that one common theme is present today among our community that should not be: Jealousy, that runs deep into the very souls of our population of our county that favors a few and at the same time ignores the needs of the most needy. Have a great day, My Friends
To me a solid recreation dept. The open gym time daily at the essential in keeping kids out of trouble until they are an age where they practice with sports teams daily.Galax also instituted an optional 0 period. Its during this time that the football team lifts and or watches film. The 0 period allows administrators to keep track of kids that arrive at school before school starts. It Also allows parents to drop their kids of before going to work.
Thanks Rugby, for the info. Galax has many things that county schools could only dream of having. A Recreation Center in my community would go over like a lead ballon: I would be laughed out of the Town Hall for even asking for them to fund one. In my town, if you can't flush it, or drink it, they do not want to here about it!

As I said before and will say again, teachers should not be expected to pay for supplies out of their pockets. If they do, then they should be able to submit an expense sheet for reimbursement to the principal. To show you how narrow minded our elected officials can be, one school board member made a motion at our school board meeting several years ago to close our Vocational School, citing that kids needed a 4 year education to be successful.

This is the kind of thinking we are faced with today, narrow minded individuals, that want a pat on the back from their political party members, while at the same time, cut the budget of schools to achieve their objective of lower tax. Like I said, those are the same people that one day may be in a rest home or nursing home paid for by tax dollars from the very students and teachers they cut the budget on to save a few lousy bucks on their annual budget.
Thanks, My Friends, and please accept my apologies for venting my frustrations.
Thanks again Rugby. The more you tell me, the sicker I get. I have already thrown up twice just thinking about what we could have, as Galax does have, if we elect folks that are in office to support our beloved schools, teachers, and Administrators. I must say one thing. Our Administrators in our schools do a tremendous job. We often over look them, but folks, just one day of seeing what these folks go though, you would agree, that what ever their salary is, it is well deserved in my opinion. May God Bless our schools and the students, teachers, and Administrators. Have a Good Day, My Friends
Rugby, you said that after school many kids walked to the rec center to play, basketball, I presume. This is common place for places like Galax, but in most other small towns, rec centers are not to be found. Your rec centers produce many very good basketball players. I think Wytheville has a rec center also.

I remember the day when a bunch of students would like to play basketball at the high school or old high school gym. In order for us to get to do that for a few hrs, we would have to pay a school employee to open the gym for us to play. We would all take up collection and give it, in order to play a pick up game or two of ball. That My Friend is what we in county run school systems are up against.
We pay the tax dollars to build the schools, but our youth are locked out from the facilities once school is over. If the policy is different today, please let it be known. I am not in any way placing blame on anyone, it is just the way things are done in a county system. I would think that if a town does not have a rec center, then the town and county should fund positions for people to keep the gyms open at the school and on week ends and after school for our youth in all our counties across the Commonwealth.

If our legislatures want to help our youth and their constituents, may I suggest that they fund positions that would ensure our youth has a safe place to play before and after school in rural communities that do not have rec centers.
I dare one Delegate or Senator to offer up a bill to the Virginia General Assembly to do just that and let us see just how far it gets in our General Assembly. I bet it would not even get out of a committee to be voted on by the full General Assembly, That My Friends is my opinion, what is yours?
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For high school and even middle school age kids under VHSL you can open a gym pretty much year round. So having a coaching staff willing (and I know that is a huge time commitment) would mean the school could act as Rec Center
Thanks Coach for your imput. Let me say first, I got on a rant yesterday about a subject very dear to my heart. Have I argued about this before, yes. I going to let it be, and just see what happens, and focuse on Galax's game Saturday, that my friends is were the focus should be, and no where else.

Galax will have their hands full, but so will Riverheads. My thinking it will not be a runaway by Riverheads, but a game coached by two of the very best Coaches in group D1. Traditional thinking, one would think well Riverheads is going to take the title, but wait just a moment, My Friends. Those four losses by Galax, we're to outstanding teams in not just SWVA, but the Commonwealth. If Galax had played probably any other four teams, their record would probably be 14-0.

Galax is tough, just like GW. It is going to take a great team to play on the same level with Riverheads. The one team that can can do this is Galax. Well why, two Words, My Friends, Coach Dixon. He is the master of line play, hands down. If you are a player from Galax, do what Coach tells you to do, no free lancing guys. Play Galax ball, and Harris, run like the wind young man for your school.

I am not sure Riverheads has seen a running back like Harris. He is the best of the best, and he has a lot of support in Spurlin. Two two are the best 1-2 combos in SWVA. But, let me say this, One stat that I read that is just unbelievable in the sport of high school football, is Riverheads has only punted 6 TIMES THIS YEAR, PERIOD. WOW

Someone check the record books, that may be a national record. Well, it tells me something; Galax has to play mentally mistake free football, and make first downs, and keep Riverheads offense off the field. There is no doubt Coach Casto is a legend, and if I was a coach, it would be an honor to even coach against him in a Championship game. But Coach Dixon, I'm my book is the best Coach in SWVA, in D1, if not all of SWVA.

I could go on and on about this game. When GW played Riverheads, I got to know some very passionate Riverheads folks on some post, such as RedPrideNation and others. Guys, I have the upmost respect for your school and your program, but I have to pull for Galax. Let it be a classic game, My Friends, and please don't judge me by by rant yesterday.
I have one other thought. If you are a resident of Galax, a business owner, and can walk, get up Saturday morning and go to Salem, and cheer for your Galax football team.

Yes, start today, by putting up those WILL BE CLOSED SATURDAY signs on your doors. These young men need your support, and deserve it. Go TIDE!

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