It is ridiculous

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VaPreps All Region
Sep 22, 2007
Stuarts Draft VA
That so many of these threads across all the boards have to be closed because people can't be be respectful of one another. There have been good discussions on here that have been closed because people aren't respectful. This is a message board to discuss football, not to berate teams you have played and talk trash to other people. Sure there are going to be things that people disagree on and that is a good thing, but the constant bad behavior on here is embarrassing and I really hope it stops. Talk about your team, teams in your area, anyone you want to, don't have to constantly say negative things just to cause controversy and ends up in a fight and having threads stopped because of it.
I agree completely. Being passionate about your team is a great thing, thus the name fan as in fanatic. That said there are way too many that are trying to troll for reactions from their "rivals". If we all agreed on things how freaking vanilla would that be but there is certainly an adult way to discuss disagreements. Thanks for bringing this topic up even if it should go without saying that we need to be respectful of each other.
Hey Gunz41, great comments that I certainly agree with. A good reminder for an attempt at civil discourse regarding any topic in today's "yell first and stay the loudest" in some segments of society. (Your comments about Riverheads earlier this year were spot on. Too bad we will not see the matchup with Essex. However, Galax is on a heck of a great run. I do think that Riverheads will win that chess match but it could be interesting.)

It's funny though you brought this up because I recently had thought what a nice Fall of overall thoughtful and very informative discussions on Va Preps this football season, at least on 1A. Heck many of the posts have been really insightful and well thought out by a variety of posters. We had very few idiotic posts it seemed like which in year's past sometimes kept away some serious posters I think.

Heck, years past it was way, way worse with that wild FC fan, people getting upset at a Franklin fan and some dude from W&L for a few examples.

On the other hand, now while I prefer to read and watch detailed, serious news about politics, for example, it sure has added some entertainment to the news to watch ole Donald Trump say goodbye to that suffocating political correctness and say whatever the heck he wants lol. Not sure if I would want him as the president, but he sure is fun to watch...

So a good balance in anything is the answer...Having Rod or others as the mediator seems to work well.
Hey Gunz41, great comments that I certainly agree with. A good reminder for an attempt at civil discourse regarding any topic in today's "yell first and stay the loudest" in some segments of society. (Your comments about Riverheads earlier this year were spot on. Too bad we will not see the matchup with Essex. However, Galax is on a heck of a great run. I do think that Riverheads will win that chess match but it could be interesting.)

It's funny though you brought this up because I recently had thought what a nice Fall of overall thoughtful and very informative discussions on Va Preps this football season, at least on 1A. Heck many of the posts have been really insightful and well thought out by a variety of posters. We had very few idiotic posts it seemed like which in year's past sometimes kept away some serious posters I think.

Heck, years past it was way, way worse with that wild FC fan, people getting upset at a Franklin fan and some dude from W&L for a few examples.

On the other hand, now while I prefer to read and watch detailed, serious news about politics, for example, it sure has added some entertainment to the news to watch ole Donald Trump say goodbye to that suffocating political correctness and say whatever the heck he wants lol. Not sure if I would want him as the president, but he sure is fun to watch...

So a good balance in anything is the answer...Having Rod or others as the mediator seems to work well.

I am proudly one of "those" people.

The Franklin fan and the Sussex fan would get on here and disrespect other programs and if anyone said anything about either of their schools they'd both throw a fit. They were MUCH worse than the Fort Chiswell fan, at least he would (or could) carry on a conversation from time to time. Those two would just get on here to run their mouths.

I dared to call them out for it a couple years back and the Sussex fan immediately played the race card. Gunz hopped on here at that time and posted some long, driveling, self righteous spiel about how we're not in the 1950's anymore (well, no crap Gunz). And of course it garnered many likes and loves. But the fact remained, those two were allowed to say whatever they wanted without repercussion.

As far as "locked" convos go, I count a whopping 1 combined between the 1A and 2A boards. Boo frickin hoo.

The left leaning pansies are learning the hard way though. The more you squeeze, the angrier you're going to make people. It's a very enlightening time. A time where you see people sitting up and realizing how much BS political correctness really is.
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Please note that on every post on the board, there is a "Report" button. Click that when you see something out of line and it will generate a message to me alerting me of the content.

Trust me, after this season, the punishment will be swift and harsh.
I am proudly one of "those" people.

The Franklin fan and the Sussex fan would get on here and disrespect other programs and if anyone said anything about either of their schools they'd both throw a fit. They were MUCH worse than the Fort Chiswell fan, at least he would (or could) carry on a conversation from time to time. Those two would just get on here to run their mouths.

I dared to call them out for it a couple years back and the Sussex fan immediately played the race card. Gunz hopped on here at that time and posted some long, driveling, self righteous spiel about how we're not in the 1950's anymore (well, no crap Gunz). And of course it garnered many likes and loves. But the fact remained, those two were allowed to say whatever they wanted without repercussion.

As far as "locked" convos go, I count a whopping 1 combined between the 1A and 2A boards. Boo frickin hoo.

The left leaning pansies are learning the hard way though. The more you squeeze, the angrier you're going to make people. It's a very enlightening time. A time where you see people sitting up and realizing how much BS political correctness really is.
Never seen a post with Sussex Fan playing the race card , I cant speak for Franklin.
I am proudly one of "those" people.

The Franklin fan and the Sussex fan would get on here and disrespect other programs and if anyone said anything about either of their schools they'd both throw a fit. They were MUCH worse than the Fort Chiswell fan, at least he would (or could) carry on a conversation from time to time. Those two would just get on here to run their mouths.

I dared to call them out for it a couple years back and the Sussex fan immediately played the race card. Gunz hopped on here at that time and posted some long, driveling, self righteous spiel about how we're not in the 1950's anymore (well, no crap Gunz). And of course it garnered many likes and loves. But the fact remained, those two were allowed to say whatever they wanted without repercussion.

As far as "locked" convos go, I count a whopping 1 combined between the 1A and 2A boards. Boo frickin hoo.

The left leaning pansies are learning the hard way though. The more you squeeze, the angrier you're going to make people. It's a very enlightening time. A time where you see people sitting up and realizing how much BS political correctness really is.

I dont recall ever saying anything about the 1950's. And I don't recall this conversation either, but from your post it sounds like you think anything should be fair game to talk about on here. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. If what you say is true about those fans, then they are the ones that would have been the "bad" ones in my post. And there are always going to be people that try to stir things up just to stir things up, feeding into it makes it worse. I am not talking about replying to something but constantly back and forth with someone over something in a rude manner doesn't seem like something that would be beneficial. And I would say that most of the time that if someone gets on here and complaining about this or that and makes things "personal" they aren't going to change their view no matter what you say.

And there may be only 1 on 1A and 2A board, but there are more on other boards. I think I saw about 3 in a week on 4A board that I had made some type of comment on, get back to read what was said and it is closed. Threads aren't closed for no reason
I dont recall ever saying anything about the 1950's. And I don't recall this conversation either, but from your post it sounds like you think anything should be fair game to talk about on here. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. If what you say is true about those fans, then they are the ones that would have been the "bad" ones in my post. And there are always going to be people that try to stir things up just to stir things up, feeding into it makes it worse. I am not talking about replying to something but constantly back and forth with someone over something in a rude manner doesn't seem like something that would be beneficial. And I would say that most of the time that if someone gets on here and complaining about this or that and makes things "personal" they aren't going to change their view no matter what you say.

And there may be only 1 on 1A and 2A board, but there are more on other boards. I think I saw about 3 in a week on 4A board that I had made some type of comment on, get back to read what was said and it is closed. Threads aren't closed for no reason

Not at all.

It did irk me, though didnt suprise me in the least, that those two would get on here and say whatever they wanted..and then I can remember last year a Giles poster pointed out how Martinsville came up to Giles and were taunting the Giles players before kickoff along with some sexually explicit comments directed towards some of the female Giles fans. Of course, that post got reported and removed because it was not PC. Though I'm sure it did not help that the Giles fan dared to mention that all that mouthing stopped after Giles popped them in the mouth on the opening play..which is a no-no to say as well.
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Lol, he played it as an excuse for Sussex losing to Honaker in the playoffs for goodness sakes. Then he and another Sussex fan (Willsdad) both continued taking pot shots at SWVA and calling the fans, refs, players racist...all a-okay for the boards of course.
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