King William 80 Mathews 6 Final

As the person that mentioned politics I will say again that I don’t think you will convince a wholesale change in districts just based off of embedded ideas on alignment.

And as a Riverheads supporter I will go on record again and say I like the alignment you propose, but it has to be across all the sports we can not pick and choose where to implement it. I vote for the change to take place for the 2020 fall season. This would certainly be easier to get districts aligned too. Take the control alway from the AD’s and put teams in the district they are supposed to be in. Get back to district tourneys and limited teams making the post season. I am in brother, sign me up.

I didnt know how else to describe you lol
That sounds like a fair scenario but to have a school in 2A for football and a different classification for other sports would be a nightmare for the VHSL.

It might just be the swift kick in the rear end they need too though.
Lol, I have been called a lot worse, sometimes deservedly.

Nothing wrong with being called a Riverheads fan. Lol, could be called a Redskins fan and that might possibly be fighting words these days!!! I think they may soon have to close the Wilson bridge to keep the downtrodden Skins fans up here from ending it all.
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