Lake Taylor girls


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Gold Member
Nov 30, 2015
Can you say, " Implode ". LT has an 8 point lead with 4 mins to go and melts down. Some of the mind boggling turnovers in the 4th Q. Heck the 3rd Q wasn't much better. I knew Millbrook was coming back cuz LT would never put them away. LT gave Millbrook every opportunity to win the game and they seized it.
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3rd & 4th Q LT had about 8 turnovers. I'm still scratching my head about this one.
LT seemed to play out of control at times - the game seemed so hectic and crazy at times.

I honestly think it took Millbrook out of their game for much of the game with the frenzied pace and the Pioneers more disciplined style of play.

I've never seen so many turnovers and rushed shots in a game.

Free throws in the last few minutes made a huge difference.

LT should be back next year - they are very young!
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I give credit to Coach Greene for his adjustments. He kept his girls settled under a tough stretch. That trap he went to caused havoc to force LT into all those turnovers. Great season for Millbrook.

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