Lancaster/Lunenburg----Who Really Won?


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
Our local paper has had references on consecutive days to Lancaster still being in the playoffs and even says in today's edition that they will be at Franklin this week. But I thought Lunenburg had won that game.

So who really won??????????
Ugh! What a pain! I verified in two different spots before I updated the brackets because I thought it was a strange score.

Thanks for the quick clarification guys. I knew I could depend on you.

I usually am more tolerant of reporters because it has to be a tough job to put out a full paper every day and also to keep up with 8/10/12 different sports at any given school. But I do have to admit that this has been an unusually odd year for mistakes here in our local area.

The biggest problem seemed to be keeping up with who was hosting who. For example, one of them ran a full page story this year on the Waynesboro at Riverheads game. The game was clearly at Riverheads but yet the article said that Waynesboro would be at a disadvantage because of how well Riverheads travels!

Later in the season, there was such confusion over where the Fort/Waynesboro game was being played that a fan I know actually walked down to WHS, only to find an empty stadium. He then drove to Fort and missed part of the game as a result.

But the doozy of them all was a feature article previewing the Lee/Waynesboro game. When listing the factors that might impact that game, the article actually said that Lee would have the advantage in coaching because "Tibbs knows how to win." (For those of you outside the area, it was well-publicized this year that long-time Lee coach David Tibbs had moved up to AD and that Scott Girolmo had replaced him. By the time that article was published, Girolmo had already established a name for himself and led the Leemen to a number of wins.)
Well don't go by Max preps because they had Riverheads playing Luray this week when I looked on there last night. Lol

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