Landon Wilson, Louisa

mike salem

Nov 2, 2009
I saw his post on Facebook after the game with Salem. What an amazing young man of great character and a great testimony. I wanted to share the text of his post with you.

[Thank you Louisa. I will never ever forget these past 4 years. I finished my career with a record of 36-5 and 4 Jefferson District Championships. I will also never forget the amount of love and support I received from the community and program💚💛

Most importantly, this team grew closer to Jesus. Each week coach Alston held chapel before the game which brought kids on the team to christ on a weekly basis. After each game we prayed on the 50 yard line giving glory to god win or loss. There on the 50, players from other teams were also greatly impacted and started coming to Christ. On top of that, we’d attend each other’s churches. We may not have came out with a state championship like we wanted, but most importantly many of us came out with a LIFELONG win by receiving Jesus and I believe that is bigger than football. Knowing that this team made a huge impact off the field makes me happier than the 11 wins ever did.]

#QB1 Out

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