Lightridge High School


VaPreps Hall of Famer
Sep 27, 2002
the newest school in Loudoun County was added to Class 3B at the July Alignment meeting.
To maintain 53 schools in Class 3 somebody needed to be dropped to Class 2 right. My old eyes cannot figure out who that was.
316 schools for the previous alignment. And they were not evenly divided between the Classes.

318 for this alignment, with the inclusion of Independence and Lightridge, and a nice even 53 at each class level. SO FAR!

Now is the time that appeals are being submitted. So, things could change. If my old pea brain is correct, a few appeals were upheld last time, which resulted in the distribution across the six class levels being a little less equal than the original proposal.

Don't quote me on this, but I think they take the 318 ADM's and divide by 6. And if you change class level, and you are within 5% of the cutoff line, you can request to be left in your original class level. I'll try to verify this.

And you can provide proof that your ADM number is incorrect, and request a change in Class level assignment. This is what Sherando had to do last time.
sorry DP but it did not.
My problem that one the two schools with the smallest population should been bumped but wasn't.


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