My Hokies slipping while UVA is somewhat on the come up. Agree or disagree



Ok, we all noticed or didn't notice how Tech seems to be falling lately, primarily highlighted by this year up and down season so far, while UVa is exceeding expectations. There was a "joke" posted by someone awhile ago having UVA vs. FSU in the ACC title game, and well, there's a possibility. Are my Hokies fading further now? Guys like Quin Blanding and Andrew Brown headed for Charlottesville vice Blacksburg, whereas of course 10-15 years ago most of the 757's or just VA as a whole's highly-regarded considered Tech first vice UVA. Anyone else seeing any writing on the wall? Bud Foster has to be quite loyal to the program to not have left so far, he's proven himself to be one of the greatest DCs.
Disagree UVA proved today that it's still possible to snatch defeat...

from the jaws of victory.

As long as London remains in C'ville the Wahoos will be a consistent 5-7 or 6-6 team.

VT is going through a horrid string of injuries right now but I really don't see a huge rebuild to get VT back on track...just get Coach Beamer to admit that we're 14 years into the 21st Century and stop shackling the offense.
Regardless of what happens the rest of the way for VT I'm just glad they beat Ohio State @ the horseshoe. Doesn't really mean a whole lot now since Ohio State has been moving along after that loss and VT has been brought back down to earth dropping several games, but hey, still beat the buckeyes.

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