Auburn vs Eastern Montgomery
Prediction: Auburn
Narrows vs Bland
Prediction: Going with Narrows in the upset
George Wythe vs Covington
Prediction: George Wythe
Parry Mccluer vs Grayson County
Prediction: Parry McCluer
Regional Semis:
Auburn vs Narrows
Prediction: Auburn
George Wythe vs Parry McCluer
Prediction: George Wythe
Region C Championship:
Auburn vs George Wythe
Prediction: Auburn
Prediction: Auburn
Narrows vs Bland
Prediction: Going with Narrows in the upset
George Wythe vs Covington
Prediction: George Wythe
Parry Mccluer vs Grayson County
Prediction: Parry McCluer
Regional Semis:
Auburn vs Narrows
Prediction: Auburn
George Wythe vs Parry McCluer
Prediction: George Wythe
Region C Championship:
Auburn vs George Wythe
Prediction: Auburn