Nation Ford Will Not Play GW This Year

Jul 23, 2022
It's official, GW now needs a game this September 16th. Good luck finding one at this late date!

This was brought about because Nation Ford refused to honor their half of a 2 year agreement. GW traveled to Fort Mill last year. The Yellow Jackets were to come north this year on September 16th. Because of renovations and construction on the track and around JF Christopher Stadium the Eagles are having to get creative to play a "home" schedule. Averett University has been great to work with us. Because of a conflict with other Averett sports on 9/16 GW was offered the opportunity to play of Thursday, 9/15. When offered this chance NF said it was too far to travel on a school night. At this point GW officials contacted Halifax County. HC was more than happy to accommodate us as they are away that week. This option was presented but turned down because according to NF, the extra 30 min they would have to travel was too far. Perhaps that willingness to to go the extra miles was somewhat affected by their 46-31 defeat to the Eagles last season. Regardless, it does not speak well to the program and administration at Nation Ford HS that they have failed to honor their part of this agreement. According to NF officials they have found an opponent so the big loser here it George Washington High School and their fan base.