New VHSL Rule

Any word on what it is? Saw the tweet earlier & was wonder what it is and how will it effect things going forward
the VHSL Executive Committee spend all of their meeting in February trying to come up with transfer rules, this has to be the result of that. I have seen anything is writing yet.
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For those who are curious about the Transfer Rule Changes, I noticed the discussion on the most recent Membership Meeting Agenda.

The Agenda is dated March 7th under Agenda/Minutes at this link: The Agenda is for the meetings dated March 13th and March 14th. The totality of the Agenda for both days is posted in the one document.

There's a little bit regarding the proposed transfer legislation on Page 12 of the Agenda and then there are several pages discussing the legislation beginning on Page 16.

Now, I don't know if the transfer legislation passed as-is as the minutes of these meetings are typically (if we're lucky) posted at a later date.

But for those who wanted to decipher pretty much what is going to happen, grab a beverage and a snack and settle down to read it.
Some of the details need to be ironed out but I mostly like what they're trying to do. Going to be some heavily effected teams in the next couple of years. Schools with a truly established community around football sports will thrive. You definitely won't see some of these miraculous turnarounds that we've seen the last couple of years. I think what will for sure stop is seeing dudes who already got offers leaving for another team.
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