pass interference

colonel 72

VaPreps Rookie
Aug 30, 2010
I realize that this is a high school board. But let me rant please. Does anyone clearly understand what constitutes pass interference in todays NFL? Not talking about the no call in the Rams/Saints game either. I have watched the entire season without coming to a good answer to this question. There is sooo much hand checking, grabbing, poking ,pulling and shoving between both parties and the officiating changes more than the weather does in the month of March. The five yard rule is understood so skip that. One play the announcers say it is a mugging but another one says thats just good defense.
Agree. The no call was one of the worst I've seen given the timing and obvious pass interference and blow to the head. Considering the outcome it had makes it more pathetic.

It's sad that Las Vegas may actually be the one that drives the train in fixing the NFLs officiating issues. When those with Big Money bet and they bet in knowing the outcome may have a reasonable chance to be skewed by a horrific call, they get upset, and money talks my friend. The NFL will have no choice to get it right or the Big Money will back away and the NFL can't take that.

Last of all, something has to be done about offensive pass interference. It's become so bad in allowing the WR to put his hands on the DB that the officials are sometimes feeling compelled to let things go when the DB interferes.
In all honesty, both of the plays you hear are more than likely PI. What makes it hard for fans to understand is the difference in crews and how they choose to enforce it. As some will allow more than others.

Another reason that it isnt called more often is the volume of passing as compared to a few years ago. With more passing, more clock stoppage, and the NFL has a time in which they want games complete. That is a large reason why there probably won't be a change to OT rules as well.

But to try and answer your question, and I am certainly not great with words on how to explain something, its much easier to demonstrate, but with a crew who would be in the middle, as in not flag happy nor letting them get away with A LOT.

With both going back and forth, have to look at it as impeding the ability to make the catch. So holding and not letting go in a timely manner, striking before the ball arrives, and not giving the receiver the ability to get his hands up.

On most pass plays that take time to develop, there is holding, illegal contact, or PI. I have more of a problem with the blatant pick plays. As the rules have changed so much at the detriment of the defense. When that is allowed then its almost impossible
Apparently, pass interference is legal in the NFL. Colonel72 is correct. I watch very little NFL, but I see WRs being held, hit, mugged, pushed and any other way you can commit pass interference. All with no flag.

The Refs in Saints-Rams game responsible for blowing that no-call, should be fired, and banned for life from all NFL stadiums. Being that bad, how did they ever get out of Rec league football ?
I would like to see the 5 yard chuck rule be a little more defined, if you are a corner you should be able to engage the receiver until the 5 yards is up IMO, and the receiver should be allowed to fight through it, as far as the pick plays are concerned, I don't have a problem with it as long as the receiver setting the pick has his hands up in a diamond position looking at the QB, there are ways to defend it, pick plays usually happen within the 5 yard rule, so run over the player setting the pick or deal with the play.

Saint-Rams game no call got way to much attention, if the Saints would have ran the ball on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd down of that drive, Rams would have to go at least 35-40 yards for a FG with no timeouts, that vaunted Saint defense should've been able to stop them, just my 2 cents on the game.
I would like to see the 5 yard chuck rule be a little more defined, if you are a corner you should be able to engage the receiver until the 5 yards is up IMO, and the receiver should be allowed to fight through it, as far as the pick plays are concerned, I don't have a problem with it as long as the receiver setting the pick has his hands up in a diamond position looking at the QB, there are ways to defend it, pick plays usually happen within the 5 yard rule, so run over the player setting the pick or deal with the play.

Saint-Rams game no call got way to much attention, if the Saints would have ran the ball on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd down of that drive, Rams would have to go at least 35-40 yards for a FG with no timeouts, that vaunted Saint defense should've been able to stop them, just my 2 cents on the game.

I agree with the attention, but a call shouldn't be dependent upon anything besides the rules. I also agree with the pick plays, because at least then even with the intent of pick, it appears one way, but a lot of times now its just a blatant block. I'll have to disagree with it being about to be defended, as that is a timing route, and even a .1 of a second is the difference. But I doubt it's going to change, because everything is being geared to benefit the offense because its seems the majority of fans want to see an offensive explosion

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