Path has been cleared for East Rockingham with upset of Appomattox.

Not that I am arguing with you but how does the 1 seed in Region C winning against the 3 seed constitute an upset. All due respect to Appo but they were not the home team and if favored they were not favored by many.

I have thought for weeks ER is a contender regardless of Appo being left in it or not. After watching the Radford/Appo game, I do not think either can/could beat ER but time will tell. Heck ER has a pretty dang good Goochland team to get by.
II just wanna know how in the hell anybody can be sure that their team will win at this point. They are playing teams from different regions of the state. The kids will decide it on the field. There is no way any of us know who will win it all at this point. We can only speculate.
II just wanna know how in the hell anybody can be sure that their team will win at this point. They are playing teams from different regions of the state. The kids will decide it on the field. There is no way any of us know who will win it all at this point. We can only speculate.
But it’s fun thinking thinking we know
Not that I am arguing with you but how does the 1 seed in Region C winning against the 3 seed constitute an upset. All due respect to Appo but they were not the home team and if favored they were not favored by many.

I have thought for weeks ER is a contender regardless of Appo being left in it or not. After watching the Radford/Appo game, I do not think either can/could beat ER but time will tell. Heck ER has a pretty dang good Goochland team to get by.
Just my opinion,no reason to get upset.
Im guessing its gonna be ER vs Graham in the championship.

Hats off to East Rockingham winning Region B. I think East Rockingham fans were most worried about Appomattox and Poquoson. Both lost. It's a long way from Radford, Bluefield, or Richlands, VA, and they may not be aware of the caliber of these teams. First things first as Goochland is capable of beating East Rockingham.
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Hats off to East Rockingham winning Region B. I think East Rockingham fans were most worried about Appomattox and Poquoson. Both lost. It's a long way from Radford, Bluefield, or Richlands, VA, and they may not be aware of the caliber of these teams. First things first as Goochland is capable of beating East Rockingham.

Trust me, Graham has the offense with the defense to beat anyone. One recruit going to Purdue, and Lester will get offers. Reed is a LOAD to tackle. Radford v. Graham is gonna be a crazy game. G-Men speed and explosive plays against Radfords nasty defense
Graham wins the game against Radford. Goochland or ER would matchup well with the G-men. In my opinion, ER has more horses than Goochland but next Saturday we will know for sure.
I haven't seen East Rockingham or Goochland, but I've seen Graham. I am at the Graham vs Richlands game now and we are about to head out as this one is in the books. Graham is the best 2A team I've seen this season. We can certainly beat them, but it's going to be a tough task. They are better than Appomattox, Gretna or Glenvar, and better by a few scores going just by the eye test and what I've seen today. This team is explosive and lights out on defense, and they are big up front on both sides. The defense of the cats will give us a chance. I'm not picking against Radford, but I will say we are going to have to be near perfect to win next week.
Dumb thread. This season, both Radford and Graham are better than Appo. Graham is peaking, tons of athletes, can run and throw, an the defense is nasty. Best not float any passes, Cam will snag them
Graham has just gotten better and better as the season progressed. At this point, it's anybody's game to win or lose. Mistakes can really hurt a even a great team. If D stays solid, offense remains explosive, limit mistakes and penalties then I say Graham wins. If not, Radford might pull it out. With that said, keep rolling GMen! I don't know a thing about East Rock or Goochland but hoping to play one of them December 8th.
Do not sleep on Radford. One of the most discipline, well coached, solid in all areas teams I've seen. They have excellent special teams and can play the field position game as good as anyone. One of best punters and kickers I've seen in state. Defense plays discipline and gives up very few big plays. They are great at kicking it in end zone or punting and pinning people deep. They make you drive the field. Saw Gretna and Appomattox move the ball but Radford always bowed up in red zone. Appomattox first couple drives, drove field but had to settle for FG. Second one Radford blocked and ran back for touchdown. They might not win it but think they not getting respect they deserve.
Dumb thread. This season, both Radford and Graham are better than Appo. Graham is peaking, tons of athletes, can run and throw, an the defense is nasty. Best not float any passes, Cam will snag them

Why would you say something like that about someone who started a thread, it's his opinion. And you have posted multiple times in this "dumb thread."
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Why would you say something like that about someone who started a thread, it's his opinion. And you have posted multiple times in this "dumb thread."

it's a dumb thread bc he wrote off Radford, Graham and Goochland and insinuated only Appo could play with ER. Ergo, dumb thread.
You put the ball on the turf like appo did and anything can happen ! Just saying
Agreed, Radford capitalized on their special teams. Not taking anything away from Appo but I believe the boys beat themselves. Blocked FG run back when the kick holder should have just went down with the ball after he secured it... Then that line drive kick by Radford the Appo muffed that Radford recovered. I will say Radford did adjust on our inside run to stuff us in the middle. Not to mention the two INTs that just should have been thrown away to play another down... Our young QB will get better with wiser decisions instead of just throwing it up.. Also get Bigger, Faster and Stronger. All in All after all them mistakes and turnovers and Appo only loses by 3 I would say that is pretty durn good when they was definitely not on their A or B game. Good luck to the Bobcats that just moved up to 2A division by what I read on here. Hope they win it all ! APPOMATTOX RAIDERS WILL BE BACK STRONGER IN 19 !!!!!
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As much as I would like to see our fellow Shenandoah team go all the way, I have to agree that our OP jumped the gun. If I were East Rock, I would be very worried about Goochland. Not because I personally know anything about them, but they have been there before and they are battle tested, whereas for East Rock, this is a first-time experience and therefore nerves could play a part. Then of course there is the matter of whoever comes out of the other side of the bracket.

Anyway you slice it, it sounds like there are four excellent teams left in the field.
it's a dumb thread bc he wrote off Radford, Graham and Goochland and insinuated only Appo could play with ER. Ergo, dumb thread.

Maybe I missed that part, I think that is a crazy thought that ER is head and shoulders above everyone, I think they may be the favorite, but the others certainly can win
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Maybe I missed that part, I think that is a crazy thought that ER is head and shoulders above everyone, I think they may be the favorite, but the others certainly can win

No offense to East Rock. I don't think they are the favorite. Radford has played a tougher schedule and Graham has better athletes. East Rock may win it by 100 points for all I know, but I do know that Goochland has multiple titles in the last 12 yrs and Graham's history is better than the rest. Radford's history is also up there. For the here and now, 5 in a row state titles for Region C and 8 of 11 is very impressive. Radford is the real deal and so is Graham and Goochland. Goochland and East Rock is going to be very, very close as is Radford and Graham.
No offense to East Rock. I don't think they are the favorite. Radford has played a tougher schedule and Graham has better athletes. East Rock may win it by 100 points for all I know, but I do know that Goochland has multiple titles in the last 12 yrs and Graham's history is better than the rest. Radford's history is also up there. For the here and now, 5 in a row state titles for Region C and 8 of 11 is very impressive. Radford is the real deal and so is Graham and Goochland. Goochland and East Rock is going to be very, very close as is Radford and Graham.
Who has Radford played?
No offense to East Rock. I don't think they are the favorite. Radford has played a tougher schedule and Graham has better athletes. East Rock may win it by 100 points for all I know, but I do know that Goochland has multiple titles in the last 12 yrs and Graham's history is better than the rest. Radford's history is also up there. For the here and now, 5 in a row state titles for Region C and 8 of 11 is very impressive. Radford is the real deal and so is Graham and Goochland. Goochland and East Rock is going to be very, very close as is Radford and Graham.

They are the favorite, just look at the majority of Bracket Challenge and who was picked, either ER or Appomattox.

Haven't seen Graham, so dont know who has better athletes, but just having better athletes doesnt mean anything. And ER has a bunch of athletes.

As for tougher schedule for Radford, without looking at their schedule I would find it hard to believe that Radford had a decisive advantage in that Department.
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Watch the game its self explanatory. Appo beat themselves .

No offense to you directly, but That’s a lame excuse for an explanation of losing a football game.

I did watch (most) of the game. I understand that Appomattox turned the ball over more than they’re probably used to but Radford has been turning teams over all year. They constantly put theirselves in position to put the other teams’ offense in a bad spot.

I watched PJ Prioleau outrun the defense more than once. Was that Appomattox beating theirselves or just getting beat?
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