Pick em Week 4 Comments

I'm taking Florence, and giving up the points!

Mike, I suggest that if the weekend games get canceled, you simply use only the games that get played through Monday night. I would assume that is what you have in mind anyway?

I'm afraid that this could be our Katrina----, our "storm of a lifetime!" Looking at the latest on TWC, and the pressure has plummeted, 975 mb, the forward speed has picked up a little, the max wind speeds are now projected to reach 150 mph, and there is strong evidence that it will linger for 48 hours over NC and VA. Projected to come ashore Thursday now, instead of Friday.
Mike, one projection is showing "feet" of rain in the Roanoke area! Ouch.
Move all games to Wednesday night!
That's a good suggestion. My guess is after the school day starts tomorrow, and coaches, AD's, principals, etc, can communicate, we will see a ton of schools move to Wed, or maybe Thursday in the NOVA area.
I just saw a graphic for central Dinwiddie. 17+" of rain and 70 mph winds.

Thank goodness this is our open week.

Everyone stay safe.
I just saw a graphic for central Dinwiddie. 17+" of rain and 70 mph winds.

Thank goodness this is our open week.

Everyone stay safe.
Latest forecast has landfall at Wilmington NC and then to Raleigh and possible stall. Unsure what we get. Like they told us prepare and pray!
ABANDON YOUR VEHICLES!!! HEAD TO COSTCO TO STOCK UP ON TP AND MILK!! I'm gonna throw some grass seed on my lawn. This is ridiculous!
Will hit NC as cat 4 or 5 hurricane and 140-150 mph wind. That will blow your grass seed away. Buy milk- no good when the power goes out for several days. Can goods, water, peanut butter, bread, candles and oil lamps. I have mine ready. Big storm, no faith in Dominion even in a thunderstorm. Good luck .
Will hit NC as cat 4 or 5 hurricane and 140-150 mph wind. That will blow your grass seed away. Buy milk- no good when the power goes out for several days. Can goods, water, peanut butter, bread, candles and oil lamps. I have mine ready. Big storm, no faith in Dominion even in a thunderstorm. Good luck .
Don't need milk or water. Got 3 bottles of single malt scotch. I'll survive. :D
Take the scotch, pour it out, and eat the bottles. That is the only good part of scotch. Give me a premium vodka!
Take the scotch, pour it out, and eat the bottles. That is the only good part of scotch. Give me a premium vodka!

Nope. Like Jim Tom would say

"Rye whiskey Rye whiskey please dont let me down. I'm gonna take me a drink, then I'll roam around. Rye whiskey Rye whiskey please last all day, I dont want to run out of my rye today, I wont have no more, or that's what they say. Rye whiskey Rye whiskey please dont let me down, I've got to go make another round."
So will the postponed games count in this weeks pick em or will the results be posted later on?
Anyone remember when you were a kid and your mom made you put your feet in bread bags before you put your boots on for rain or snow so your feet would stay dry? Dunno why I just thought of that.
My mom made me put my head in a bread bag. Is that the same thing?