

Richmond Region Football Writer
Dec 17, 2012
Mechanicsville, VA
There are some like myself who have been around this site since the early days of the site. I'm talking about early 2000's circa 2001-2002 when Herm fans often clashed with fans of Varina, Bird, Thomas Dale, etc... about respect because at the time Herm had yet to make any real noise in the playoffs. My how the times have changed, starting to age myself here.

Back in those days there was always someone posting a pickems' contest for the region. That carried over through the different incarnations of boards we've had over the years. Now that a regional board is back, I would like to see the pickems' back in gear. I think now that the board is a more regional flavor we can get a lot more participation. If there is someone who wants to take on such a feat, feel free to do so but if no one wants to manage it, I will be glad to take on this task.

We only have 11 days till the first games so we need to make this happen fairly quickly.
I don't know who would be more qualified than you. I know it takes more time than you have to spare, but I really would like to see you undertake the task.
I hope that Mike will still do a 4a contest. Even though I got trounced, I loved it.
I don't know who would be more qualified than you. I know it takes more time than you have to spare, but I really would like to see you undertake the task.

It's a labor of love come this time of season. I immerse myself in football with the coverage of the region and then I've got three fantasy football leagues I partake in, two I run myself and I have a seperate pickems' that I have with family and friends where we pick high school, college and pro games.

If you're interested I'll shoot you info about the other pickems'. As for this pickems', being as no one has volunteered, I will probably take it on myself but we'll see if anyone steps forward.

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