Poquoson vs. KW

7-0 KW
40 seconds till halftime.
Really even match up. Both offenses are struggling to run the ball.
Poquoson hit a big pass play to start the half. Pass interference a few plays later. 8 yard td Run. 9 min. Left in the 3rd Q
Poquoson upsets KW 14-7
Congratulations Poquoson on a great game! Hoping for their continued success.
KW had a great season, sad to see it end before Salem.
I knew Poquoson was tough. They always are, and playing at Poquoson, I liked their chances, but I just didn't think they could win at KW. They have to have a pretty good D to hold KW to 7. Future for KW is scary good though with the talent and solid coaching they have in the tank.
I knew Poquoson was tough. They always are, and playing at Poquoson, I liked their chances, but I just didn't think they could win at KW. They have to have a pretty good D to hold KW to 7. Future for KW is scary good though with the talent and solid coaching they have in the tank.
The future of KW looks bright for years to come. Great coaching staff on the JV and Varsity and the youth program is rocking and rolling. Poquoson made big plays when they needed, their D line was after it all night. Great coaching staff and a great team.
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Congrats to fellow BRD Poquoson for the Region A title in class 2. Close game and defense at the right time. Lafayette played both and I thought it would be pretty even but I thought home field would be the tipping point. Sorry we couldn’t join you but our blocked extra point with Lake Taylor was our tipping point. Good luck in the semi finals which will be a long trip.
Poquoson was a very well coached team, they were disciplined, when they made mistakes they didn’t hang their head but made a big play the next series. Their interior D line played in the back field all game long. KW couldn’t run the ball effectively and throw in a couple turnovers and that was the game. I think Poquoson only had 1 penalty last night early in the game and KW had a good handful late.
KW play calling had been suspect all year long, if they couldn’t run the ball there was no passing game to help them find a grove. Instead they would run the same three plays until they would worked.
I think KW thought they were going to run all over Poquoson because of the size difference and Poquoson wasn’t having it.
Easy to point out the should’ve would’ve could’ve from the sidelines tho. Although the game didn’t go in our favor I’m proud of how far this team came through the season. A lot of egos to start the season and they really came together as a team. It was an exciting year with lots of memories made. Like we’ve said in previous comments, The cupboard isn’t bare at KW and they should reload for next season. Good luck to everyone else in the state still playing.
Sometimes I truly dislike being correct.
The 2 best coaching staffs in the Bay Rivers District are Poquoson and Lafayette.
Poquoson's defense plays gap and containment defense as good as any team as you're going to face most weeks.
I'm disappointed that Poquoson played so well this week but I'm not surprised.
Cavaliers will regroup and reload and make another run next year.
I have to pull for the Bull Islanders now... The BRD ties tell me too 😂
Elliot Duty would be top 5 in the state of VA in Class 2 in my opinion. Poquoson is all about technique and execution and they've been that way for years. Duty is among the top/in that too echelon with with few others for Class 2 coaches.
Elliot Duty would be top 5 in the state of VA in Class 2 in my opinion. Poquoson is all about technique and execution and they've been that way for years. Duty is among the top/in that too echelon with with few others for Class 2 coaches.
I absolutely agree... 100%. Same was true when they were 3A.
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