Question for Richland Ryan?


VaPreps All State
Gold Member
Dec 9, 2013
Not a football question for you, but just a general question about things out your way. I've always been intrigued by Burke's Garden, (even though I have never visited the area). Do the kids in that valley go to Richlands HS? What is the general opinion of folks about the Burke's Garden people? I have nothing to base this on, but knowing the people in that valley guard their privacy and independence, they may be looked on as snobbish.

Others feel free to offer their thoughts.
Not a football question for you, but just a general question about things out your way. I've always been intrigued by Burke's Garden, (even though I have never visited the area). Do the kids in that valley go to Richlands HS? What is the general opinion of folks about the Burke's Garden people? I have nothing to base this on, but knowing the people in that valley guard their privacy and independence, they may be looked on as snobbish.

Others feel free to offer their thoughts.

If I may, DP.....

My mother grew up in Tazewell, and my grandparents still lived there on their own until their late eighties. With only one year's exception, Tazewell was the only summer vacation destination my family ever knew, the whole time I was growing up. ("Beach? Whaddya mean you went to the beach? Doesn't everyone go to Tazewell?") We'd always go over to Burke's Garden for a day to visit one of my grandfather's relatives - his brother, I think. I still remember the white-knuckle rides, back down the barely-more-than-one lane-wide road, at night in my grandfather's car.

I don't know about these days, but I think traditionally most folks up there were farmers. I don't think they were viewed as snobbish at all, but I could be wrong.

I'm pretty sure BG kids (what few there are) go to Tazewell; Richlands is still a good way away to the west. I haven't been out there in several years. Since you've never been, I urge you to check it out as soon as possible. It's a beautiful area.
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If I may, DP.....

My mother grew up in Tazewell, and my grandparents still lived there on their own until their late eighties. With only one year's exception, Tazewell was the only summer vacation destination my family ever knew, the whole time I was growing up. ("Beach? Whaddya mean you went to the beach? Doesn't everyone go to Tazewell?") We'd always go over to Burke's Garden for a day to visit one of my grandfather's relatives - his brother, I think. I still remember the white-knuckle rides, back down the barely-more-than-one lane-wide road, at night in my grandfather's car.

I don't know about these days, but I think traditionally most folks up there were farmers. I don't think they were viewed as snobbish at all, but I could be wrong.

I'm pretty sure BG kids (what few there are) go to Tazewell; Richlands is still a good way away to the west. I haven't been out there in several years. Since you've never been, I urge you to check it out as soon as possible. It's a beautiful area.

Thanks very much. Makes a lot more sense that a beautiful place like that would be populated by friendly and gracious people. Looking at the valley on Goggle Earth, it looks like it is entirely a farming community.

I hope to travel that way one day soon. I though I was going to get out that way last summer, but it just never happened. Maybe this summer.

I'm sure you have terrific memories of those family vacations. I don't think it matters too much where you went, the important thing is the memories of the good times. With the exception of the winding roads to get there, of course.

Thanks again.
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Some beautiful farm country. They did have a fall festival at the end of farm season I think they still do. The Appalachian trial travels around the back rim. Amish bought property and lived there for a while but when couldn't buy more and expand they sold and moved on. Not much there but farm land, nice place to drive thru. I think the road is labeled as a bike trail.
Some beautiful farm country. They did have a fall festival at the end of farm season I think they still do. The Appalachian trial travels around the back rim. Amish bought property and lived there for a while but when couldn't buy more and expand they sold and moved on. Not much there but farm land, nice place to drive thru. I think the road is labeled as a bike trail.

Thank you sir. If anyway possible, I'll get there this summer.
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I grew up in Burke's Garden. Lived there through 6th grade. Those kids attend Tazewell schools. There might be 15-20 total kids in the entire area that attend school, and that's being very generous. The Amish still live in the Garden, most people don't realize that. As far as being snobbish, I think it's more that they are a tight knit group. There are some that feel that outsiders aren't welcome, but the majority just want to live on their land and could care less what happens.
It is beautiful country, and I recommend traveling through sometime. I hope you don't get car sick though, as you have to cross a mountain to get in and out.
Thanks taz. I don't get car sick, but it will be a challenge for me to get my wife over the mountain. But she is a trooper, as long as I drive slow enough.

I would expect a tight knit group to be a little suspicious of anyone that threatens their peaceful and safe area. But, like you stated, most just want to go about their business without somebody bothering them. So when I finally get out there, I will drive slow, not gawk, and be respectful.

When you lived there, did you appreciate the uniqueness of the area? Or as is usually the case, was it years later before you realized how special it was to having been raised there?

I saw one thing when I googled the area that surprises me a little, if accurate. It stated that the frost free date for gardening was June 30th, and the first possible frost was Aug. 15th. If true, that is a heck of a short growing season.

I see you went to the trouble to sign up on Virginia Preps just to be able to share your experiences with me. I really appreciate that. I hope you will continue to add your comments to our forum. I really enjoy hearing about football, and life in general, from Southwest Virginia.

Thank you again, DP.
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Thanks for the welcome to the board! I've been reading for a while, but try to keep quiet on things. I just enjoy reading comments and opinions about our great sport.

Yes, there is a uniqueness in the weather in Burke's Garden for sure. It is typically 5-10 degrees cooler because of elevation, and I assume the wind tunnel it forms has an effect too. I remember missing school several times for snow, and finding out that Tazewell only got a dusting or rain. It is like crossing into a different world in the winter time. The drifting that occurs is really impressive. There are pictures on record of what looks like snow tunnels that they had to dig through to travel.If I can find them, I will post them for you.

There are these things called Seabands(sp?) that you can by at your local CVS, You wear them like a bracelet. they are inexpensive, but are very effective in controlling motion sickness. You should look into them.My wife and daughter both have motion sickness problems and they can travel about anywhere with them now.
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These aren't the ones I was talking about, but you can see what I mean.
I've heard of the bands before. I will certainly try them. I've always believed that motion sickness is partly a self for filling prophesy. If you think you are going to get sick, you almost always will. But I will tell you this. Even if you never get motion sick from some activity you used to doing, there is no 100% guarantee you won't. I owned a boat before I had a drivers license. I've been on the water a good part of my life, but every once and awhile I will get queasy. My father was a pilot so I flew with him most of my childhood and teenage years. But some days, out of the blue, it was, "I don't feel so good".

I appreciate the pictures. Now that's snow!!! And they can keep it out there.

I see what you are talking about on the drifts. My wife looked at the small picture and said, "Good Lord, it's as tall as the truck"! It's safe to say my visit out there will not be in winter.

Thanks for sharing. Will talk more later. Something called work is beckoning me!
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Thanks Ryan, I thought maybe you were trying to help the Burke's Garden folks keep their secret.

I started to say that maybe you hit the lottery. But, no anonymous donor gave Richland athletics a million dollar donation, so I dismissed that idea!
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Thanks, I long for the days when this wretched old body would allow me to bike. I'll just have to work up an appetite driving my truck.