We sure do.
Union(Appalachia/Powell Valley combined) has a smaller enrollment than just PV had in the late '90s.
If I remember correctly, Lee High had close to 1500 kids when it first opened and was 4A. Will have less than 700 the next cycle.
Grundy was once 3A equivalent. Now 1A.
Richlands competed in 4A. Now less than 700.
Graham,Tazewell, Marion, Va High, Gate City and John Battle were all 3A equivalent at one point. Graham and Tazewell will barely be above 500 kids the next cycle.
Ridgeview(all of Dickenson Co) was built for over 700 kids. Already down to 570 for the next cycle.
Wise Co Schools had student enrollment of over 10,000 in the late 70s and early 80s during the coal boom. Enrollment is around 5,500 now.
And numbers continue to dwindle.