
VaPreps Honorable Mention
Nov 17, 2019
Radford comes to the Bragg for a dose of the PO1 crew. Can the RAIDERS hold them off and get a win? Appo has a big desire to not let it be a repeat of 2018.
I thinking this will be a good game , they have a really good mobile QB . Watched the game vs Glenvar on NFHS and they could not contain him at all , he does try to force some passes and gets picked quite a bit so appos defence will have to be ready and don’t let him get out on edges where he can run ! By the way they should have beat Glenvar !
I thinking this will be a good game , they have a really good mobile QB . Watched the game vs Glenvar on NFHS and they could not contain him at all , he does try to force some passes and gets picked quite a bit so appos defence will have to be ready and don’t let him get out on edges where he can run ! By the way they should have beat Glenvar !
I agree with EVERYTHING you just said, I watched that whole game. The fella got wheels.
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Radford comes to the Bragg for a dose of the PO1 crew. Can the RAIDERS hold them off and get a win? Appo has a big desire to not let it be a repeat of 2018.
1st...I will just say it plain and simple and to the point, if Raiders play like they did against Gretna and Radford shows up hitting on all cylinders I don't see Appo holding off Radford. 2nd... We was missing some key players last night due to some issues in school I heard some of the players got in trouble and couldn't play like our #1. Raiders #1 Ervin Davis IS a X Factor, I believe he is the best athlete on the field when he's playing, from Defense secondary ball hawk, tackling, to kick and punt returns and offense. Appo surely missed him last night. I hope he gets his ducks in a row and is able to play this coming Friday night, Raiders need him from here on out I believe to set the team to that next level. I know I know, not taking nothing away from the other 10 on the field but that 11th guy brings the PO1 to a whole !
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1st...I will just say it plain and simple and to the point, if Raiders play like they did against Gretna and Radford shows up hitting on all cylinders I don't see Appo holding off Radford. 2nd... We was missing some key players last night due to some issues in school I heard some of the players got in trouble and couldn't play like our #1. Raiders #1 Ervin Davis IS a X Factor, I believe he is the best at the athlete on the field when he's playing, from Defense secondary ball hawk, tackling, to kick and punt returns and offense. Appo surely missed him last night. I hope he gets his ducks in a row and is able to play this coming Friday night, Raiders need him from here on out I believe to set the team to that next level. I know I know, not taking nothing away from the other 10 on the field but that 11th guy brings the PO1 to a whole !
Raiders having alot of problems very similar to 2018. Tre keeps wanting to be the big man on campus and being the hero and shying away from hits rightfully so. The O and D lines have been missing players all season so there is no continuity there. They usually pull together as the season goes on but this year they appear to be pulling apart.
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I would like to think Radford has a good chance, but I just don't see it this year. We have a bunch of talent and if we don't turn over, we are pretty good, but the matchup favors Appo because of Appo's run game and our defensive line isn't our strongest area. I think Appo will have lots of success running it. If we can somehow slow down Appo's run game, it could be close, but I think Appo is just to far ahead of us. I hope I'm wrong though-no offense Appo fans. Hoping for an injury free game. I will say this though. I'm not sure what Appo has next year. I know Pennix returns, but Radford will be better than this year. We will have a team that at least on paper, that will be as good or better than our 2018 team in my opinion. I think we are one year away from having a very reasonable chance to win the region.
We’re going to see a repeat of 2018 but not the one where Radford pulls off the upset. I believe we’re gonna see a repeat of when Radford faced Graham in the semis. I think Appo is going to overwhelm them with there speed and over all discipline which is what Radford lacks. There QB is very mobile but when forced to throw mistakes happen. If Appo can contain him from running, they win by 21+
I would like to think Radford has a good chance, but I just don't see it this year. We have a bunch of talent and if we don't turn over, we are pretty good, but the matchup favors Appo because of Appo's run game and our defensive line isn't our strongest area. I think Appo will have lots of success running it. If we can somehow slow down Appo's run game, it could be close, but I think Appo is just to far ahead of us. I hope I'm wrong though-no offense Appo fans. Hoping for an injury free game. I will say this though. I'm not sure what Appo has next year. I know Pennix returns, but Radford will be better than this year. We will have a team that at least on paper, that will be as good or better than our 2018 team in my opinion. I think we are one year away from having a very reasonable chance to win the region.
I've seen them both in person, Radford can win barring turnovers
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Don't only watch Glenvar tape better watch last nights Floyd tape. There's a major difference in those two games. I would hate to be the coach prepping for Radford. I think it will be a great game and I hope my comment didn't offend any Appomattox fans.
Raiders having alot of problems very similar to 2018. Tre keeps wanting to be the big man on campus and being the hero and shying away from hits rightfully so. The O and D lines have been missing players all season so there is no continuity there. They usually pull together as the season goes on but this year they appear to be pulling apart.
Yea, also Tre need to learn to throw that ball away instead of trying to make something happen with his legs. Forgot to mention our Kickoff team is always vulnerable.
Raiders need to be better!
They should beat Radford but I wouldn't be totally shocked if Radford can win this.
If we can run the ball I say we win by 14. If we can force their QB into the having to throw a good amount we may get 21.

A lot on this game will depend on how the Raiders start off. Start off fast and I don't think they can hang with us, start off slow and....
Raiders need to be better!
They should beat Radford but I wouldn't be totally shocked if Radford can win this.
If we can run the ball I say we win by 14. If we can force their QB into the having to throw a good amount we may get 21.

A lot on this game will depend on how the Raiders start off. Start off fast and I don't think they can hang with us, start off slow and....
I see alot of trimming of the fat this week that will define who is coming out of each region. Raiders have to come out the gate fast and stop waiting until late 2nd qtr to play ball. I dont think Radford can stop our run attack, question is can we stop theirs.
This could be interesting. With all the new players for Radford, they were overwhelmed by the speed and experience from Appo in the spring. Most of this team will have seen it now so hopefully we can adjust but we are still very young on the offensive and defensive lines( mostly sophomores). The wildcard is at QB for Radford. We have probably the best athlete that can run but can't throw or we can play the QB that can throw all day. If we can find a way to connect on some big plays and not turn the ball over, we have a chance.
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This could be interesting. With all the new players for Radford, they were overwhelmed by the speed and experience from Appo in the spring. Most of this team will have seen it now so hopefully we can adjust but we are still very young on the offensive and defensive lines( mostly sophomores). The wildcard is at QB for Radford. We have probably the best athlete that can run but can't throw or we can play the QB that can throw all day. If we can find a way to connect on some big plays and not turn the ball over, we have a chance.
I hope you are right, but I just don't see it this year. But, I'm wrong more than I'm right so that's good news!! I will say this though. I like our chances next year. Certainly not saying we win, but we should have a very, very good football team at Radford next year. On paper, it will be good enough to have a very reasonable chance to win the region, but paper is one thing and playing on the field is another.
I hope you are right, but I just don't see it this year. But, I'm wrong more than I'm right so that's good news!! I will say this though. I like our chances next year. Certainly not saying we win, but we should have a very, very good football team at Radford next year. On paper, it will be good enough to have a very reasonable chance to win the region, but paper is one thing and playing on the field is another.
the other thing I forgot to mention is Dobson is out and that is a HUGE loss on both sides of the ball but especially on defense. If he were playing, I would actually think we would win.
the other thing I forgot to mention is Dobson is out and that is a HUGE loss on both sides of the ball but especially on defense. If he were playing, I would actually think we would win.
What position is he?
He is #22. played ILB and RB. He is committed to VMI as a LB. He got hurt but still finished the Glenvar game and has missed the River and Floyd game. Has surgery this week.
Hate that for any athlete. Hopefully he will have a full recovery for VMI.
He is #22. played ILB and RB. He is committed to VMI as a LB. He got hurt but still finished the Glenvar game and has missed the River and Floyd game. Has surgery this week.
Dang, hope he is well soon.
Dobson not playing is another reason I think separates the gap with us and Appo. Dobson is the heart and soul of our football team. He's one of the team leaders and if you had to pick one team leader, he would be it. He's a likely sure bet for 1st team All State Class 2 linebacker. The kid is absolutely incredible at the linebacker position and him being out is a gigantic loss for Radford. Worth about 7-10 points in my opinion, literally one player, because of his ability to key in on the Appo QB when he escapes the pocket and his ability to move laterally with fast and powerful running backs like Pennix. It's just a gigantic loss. No other way to put it. Dobson in my opinion, is the best football player on our team and it would be like Appo losing their overall best football player. Although, Appo has the depth to overcome it, we don't have that kind of depth.
Dobson not playing is another reason I think separates the gap with us and Appo. Dobson is the heart and soul of our football team. He's one of the team leaders and if you had to pick one team leader, he would be it. He's a likely sure bet for 1st team All State Class 2 linebacker. The kid is absolutely incredible at the linebacker position and him being out is a gigantic loss for Radford. Worth about 7-10 points in my opinion, literally one player, because of his ability to key in on the Appo QB when he escapes the pocket and his ability to move laterally with fast and powerful running backs like Pennix. It's just a gigantic loss. No other way to put it. Dobson in my opinion, is the best football player on our team and it would be like Appo losing their overall best football player. Although, Appo has the depth to overcome it, we don't have that kind of depth.
Agree 110%. Great kid. Will miss him in basketball too.
Dobson not playing is another reason I think separates the gap with us and Appo. Dobson is the heart and soul of our football team. He's one of the team leaders and if you had to pick one team leader, he would be it. He's a likely sure bet for 1st team All State Class 2 linebacker. The kid is absolutely incredible at the linebacker position and him being out is a gigantic loss for Radford. Worth about 7-10 points in my opinion, literally one player, because of his ability to key in on the Appo QB when he escapes the pocket and his ability to move laterally with fast and powerful running backs like Pennix. It's just a gigantic loss. No other way to put it. Dobson in my opinion, is the best football player on our team and it would be like Appo losing their overall best football player. Although, Appo has the depth to overcome it, we don't have that kind of depth.
We have been without at least 1 starter and at times 6 or more all season long along with losing our qb for 3 games whom is stil not 100 percent
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We have been without at least 1 starter and at times 6 or more all season long along with losing our qb for 3 games whom is stil not 100 percent
Wow, I knew you guys had been banged up, but I didn't know you had been that banged up. That's a lot of time without starters. Hoping we can somehow keep it close and get it into the 4th quarter.
Wow, I knew you guys had been banged up, but I didn't know you had been that banged up. That's a lot of time without starters. Hoping we can somehow keep it close and get it into the 4th quarter.
Should be a great game!
Hoping the Raiders play to their potential, that’s been lacking lately.
Dobson not playing is another reason I think separates the gap with us and Appo. Dobson is the heart and soul of our football team. He's one of the team leaders and if you had to pick one team leader, he would be it. He's a likely sure bet for 1st team All State Class 2 linebacker. The kid is absolutely incredible at the linebacker position and him being out is a gigantic loss for Radford. Worth about 7-10 points in my opinion, literally one player, because of his ability to key in on the Appo QB when he escapes the pocket and his ability to move laterally with fast and powerful running backs like Pennix. It's just a gigantic loss. No other way to put it. Dobson in my opinion, is the best football player on our team and it would be like Appo losing their overall best football player. Although, Appo has the depth to overcome it, we don't have that kind of depth.
I will definitely say real Appo fans that seen the game against Gretna could definitely notice our best player IMO #1 Ervin Davis was missed tremendously. Punt return, kick off return, Ball hawk in the secondary, makes tackles all over the field, deep ball threat with many long bomb TD catches.... Good thing for us I hear he returns this Friday night. He wasn't hurt, just had to sit out a game for some school situations. I would say for the Raiders to have a chance to go all the way #1 needs to be on the field from here on out. He definitely is the X Factor in my opinion.
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I will definitely say real Appo fans that seen the game against Gretna could definitely notice our best player IMO #1 Ervin Davis was missed tremendously. Punt return, kick off return, Ball hawk in the secondary, makes tackles all over the field, deep ball threat with many long bomb TD catches.... Good thing for us I hear he returns this Friday night. He wasn't hurt, just had to sit out a game for some school situations. I would say for the Raiders to have a chance to go all the way #1 needs to be on the field from here on out. He definitely is the X Factor in my opinion.
Ervis Davin
Dobson not playing is another reason I think separates the gap with us and Appo. Dobson is the heart and soul of our football team. He's one of the team leaders and if you had to pick one team leader, he would be it. He's a likely sure bet for 1st team All State Class 2 linebacker. The kid is absolutely incredible at the linebacker position and him being out is a gigantic loss for Radford. Worth about 7-10 points in my opinion, literally one player, because of his ability to key in on the Appo QB when he escapes the pocket and his ability to move laterally with fast and powerful running backs like Pennix. It's just a gigantic loss. No other way to put it. Dobson in my opinion, is the best football player on our team and it would be like Appo losing their overall best football player. Although, Appo has the depth to overcome it, we don't have that kind of depth.
I agree with all of this, about the loss and importance of Dobson. I was very impressed with what I have seen from him.
The field looks awesome! I can’t believe we use to practice on that field and it was very rough , then bus over to the Bragg stadium for games . The good old days .we were the first class to play baseball at the high school .
The field looks awesome! I can’t believe we use to practice on that field and it was very rough , then bus over to the Bragg stadium for games . The good old days .we were the first class to play baseball at the high school .
I graduated in 97 so I think th new Bragg started like in 95. I will say the whole field was redone to go to Bermuda grass for thickness and wear and tear when it come to playing ball. At first I don't like it cause it went to looking dead quick but the once I seen the field pros like my bother from the past help chain gang and paint Fields, his son was Matt Page in 2015 (passing record all time App) when Appo got their first ring. Anyway I started liking how the blue yard markers and other stuff looked. Its very unique. Thank you Bob for doing that for the PO1 crew !!!

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