With W&L destroying Rapp last night does this move them even further in the rankings or was it just a bad game? Does Rapp rebound and was this a wake up call for them. Essex seems to be getting back on track after a bad game with many turnovers on Essex against KW. How is franklin?Northumberland haven’t played much competition yet, how good will they match up this year against the rest of NND. After Colonial Beach’s loss to Sussex by one how good are these two teams against the bigger NND teams. Especially since CB has WP in a couple of weeks who seems to be improving week by week. Wp only let up 2 offensive TDS against W&L and was hanging with Rapp but just couldn’t score which hurt them, will they be better when everyone is healthy? K&Q without a true test yet can’t really say how they are but congrats to them on a great season so far!