That a boy, make it personal. LMAO. That means you lost the argument. Fact is, I picked Graham to win the whole thing. Surely, and underdog pick and not the favorite, but I had the balls to make the pick. Fact two, you easily pounce or try to take a cheap shot at somebody for being wrong on a pick, then you got bitc@ slapped back. I smell sour grapes. Is somebody pulling on your pig tails? I think we have a case where somebody is a "in the back sitting follower" who has no balls and loves to pounce because you are a coward.
I find it comical and amusing how you now label Richlands possibly beating Appo as a "miracle." LMAO. You see, that's the difference in Giles and Richlands historically. Giles fans, even last week expect to win. Even at Appo, a significant portion of the fan base felt we had a chance. Sure, we were beat up, but year in and year out, if we were to keep playing, Giles would get the best of them and most AA teams in the state. History says so.
In conclusion, you dodged my statement about titles. You have less titles than Giles. Why are u responding? Again, if you take a cheap shot, and it was a cheap shot, don't be upset when you are smacked twice as hard. If you want to continue this, we certainly can. Until u win a couple more titles, you should stop arguing and worry about your team.
As for Giles playing football better than me prognosticating? Well, two points come to mind.
1. I will take that any day regarding Giles play and me being wrong. However, I pick the Spartans to win almost always for well over 30 years. That's worked out well for both of us.
2. At least I had/have the balls to prognosticate. I also have the balls to fire back twice as hard.