

VaPreps All Region
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
The VHSL "OFFICIAL" pairings have Rheads #1 winning tie-breaker...but it describes Essex's situation doesn't it? Unless it was Covington, Riverheads played teams w/10 games this a screwup. Longtimerhsfan, what does your AD say about this?
As I just posted in another thread, I am late coming into this discussion today. Not only that, but figuring out these points is something that I have never tried to do. I may be helpful to you guys once in a while on "some" statistics and trivia, but this system is something I have always left to others. It now "appears" that Essex is going to get the number one seed, but I sure would not bank on it.
I would say that people has said for a couple of weeks now that if both teams win out, Essex would be #1 and Riverheads #2. However, the wonderful VH$L put out just the opposite earlier today when they released their "official" seedings with Riverheads #1 and Essex #2. Then, a few hours later the VH$L revised the seedings once more to Essex #1 and Riverheads #2. The same seedings that regular fans have been saying all along. Does anyone at the VH$L no what the heck they are doing.!! I'm just waiting for their next "revision" and has Essex #3 and Riverheads #4

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