Round two Gretna V Radford

colonel 72

VaPreps Rookie
Aug 30, 2010
First game was a Wednesday night affair because of a hurricane. Radford had the long rode trip down to Gretna and came out with a 1 point victory 7-6. Gretna missed a pat and that was the difference. Who has improved the most since that game? Injuries? I look for another close game this time with field position and special teams maybe being the deciding factor.
Just have a feeling this Gretna team is going to shock some people. I will jump on the wagon and say they pull the upset. Two losses, 7-6 to the team they will face in Radford and 24-7 to Appomattox. Things fall out right and they could be facing Glenvar for a regional title. I am kinda hoping for a little more than that to be honest. G team to Salem?
Just have a feeling this Gretna team is going to shock some people. I will jump on the wagon and say they pull the upset. Two losses, 7-6 to the team they will face in Radford and 24-7 to Appomattox. Things fall out right and they could be facing Glenvar for a regional title. I am kinda hoping for a little more than that to be honest. G team to Salem?[/quote
Absolutely no respect for the three time state champion raiders come on man that is not locked yet! Must not want to make the trip back to Appo,I can’t really blame you after the last trip there! Was not impressed with gretna , very one dimensional offense , stop number 9 who is the only guy the qb throws too , don’t see them winning at Radford !

I dont know that he ever traveled to Appo, at least not because of his team. I believe he is a Riverheads fan. So just seemed like a neutral observation.

I dont think there was any disrespect aimed at Appo. It's the fact that it has been said on here for years, before you started posted that a G team always makes to Final, thus the G in Gretna and G in Glenvar
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See Gunz gets it, no disrespect at all towards Appo. They are the champ until they are beaten in playoffs and that has not happened for a few years. Most likely will win again, but there was an amazing run of G teams to start off the decade or at least HR6 likes them.
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See Gunz gets it, no disrespect at all towards Appo. They are the champ until they are beaten in playoffs and that has not happened for a few years. Most likely will win again, but there was an amazing run of G teams to start off the decade or at least HR6 likes them.

Another thing, the Bracket Challenge, 16 out of around 25 who filled it out all the way had Appomattox in at least the Championship game. How in the world is that disrespectful?
I honestly thought it was a fairly random post and wasn’t aimed to piss anyone off. Now that I have offended someone, I am rethinking if I should have an opinion on the subject. Rightfully I haven’t seen any of those teams play and only know what is posted on here about them.

Appo is young but has speed everywhere is what most posts allude to. However they seem vulnerable this year over any of the previous versions due to their youth, correct?

Glenvar is solid on both side with line play but gets lost playing to their competition at times. No huge gaudy numbers on O but certainly gets the job done. Does that sum them up?

Radford shocked the world with their win over Glenvar, or was it just Radford executed when Glenvar didn’t? Radford has done what they need to in order to be respected and have some athletes of their own, am I wrong?

And Gretna, the speed and athleticism to compete with anyone in 2A. Can they stay focused and execute any of the three offenses they have ran this year when the game is on the line against premier competition?

I submit that any of the four can win it all and any of the four can fold and get crushed by any of the other three. Most competitive region in 2A and the winner has the inside track to the trophy by surviving that gauntlet.

My OPINION is that Gretna will beat Radford in the rematch while Glenvar survives a nail bitter with Appo. That regional championship will be a track meet which Gretna will win by 10+. Nothing in the data I have looked at tells me that but Gretna plays well as the underdog. It is just an opinion.
The first time they played it was a very smart game plan from Radford DC. If Gretna’s HC had half a brain he would have made adjustments and could have beat them. If it comes down to coaching decisions and making adjustments Radford has the edge hands down!!!
First game was a Wednesday night affair because of a hurricane. Radford had the long rode trip down to Gretna and came out with a 1 point victory 7-6. Gretna missed a pat and that was the difference. Who has improved the most since that game? Injuries? I look for another close game this time with field position and special teams maybe being the deciding factor.
I give Gretna a very slight edge, but only because they lost first game vs Radford. I think history has shown, when 2 teams that are somewhat equal in talent, meet in rematch, the loser of game 1, wins game 2.

If Appomattox and Glenvar meet, I predict Appomattox by at least 14 points.

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