Running Clock in Big Stone Gap. Late 2nd, Graham 42, Union 0


VaPreps Varsity
Aug 16, 2013
Graham is a beast. In this game with only 12 seconds left in the half, Graham actually has 90 penalty yards and Union has a total of 21 total yds of offense and no first downs. Graham has over 320 yds of offense. Still in the first half in Big Stone Gap......
Graham is a beast. In this game with only 12 seconds left in the half, Graham actually has 90 penalty yards and Union has a total of 21 total yds of offense and no first downs. Graham has over 320 yds of offense. Still in the first half in Big Stone Gap......

Union lost 5 yds on the last play of the half. Union has 16 total yds of offense and has not crossed their own 38 yard line, and has no first downs.
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Graham's defense has been on point lately, reminds me of their progression last season. Peaking at exactly the right time.
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Tony Palmer is a class act! He could have pulled a Freddie Simon and ran that score up to 60 or 70 especially after that train horn blowing at full force while Graham was at the line of scrimmage but he started subbing early by 5 minutes in 3rd had his starters completely out of I'm not mistaken. Bullitt Park is a tough place to plsy but you can't beat that atmosphere. Congratulations to Union on a great season though!
Tony Palmer is a class act! He could have pulled a Freddie Simon and ran that score up to 60 or 70 especially after that train horn blowing at full force while Graham was at the line of scrimmage but he started subbing early by 5 minutes in 3rd had his starters completely out of I'm not mistaken. Bullitt Park is a tough place to plsy but you can't beat that atmosphere. Congratulations to Union on a great season though!
If that’s true about the horn then that’s a shame.
Those things should be cut off when that starts happening.
If that’s true about the horn then that’s a shame.
Those things should be cut off when that starts happening.

After having to deal with that ourselves this year, I disagree actually... it's called home field advantage for a reason. Their park, their rules. Deal with it the best you can. Now next year when Union comes up to the Ridge, I can imagine so called train horn won't be allowed... Lol
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If that’s true about the horn then that’s a shame.
Those things should be cut off when that starts happening.

Oh, it happened most of the first half and let up some after that. We knew it was going to though but Graham's players handled the distraction nicely. I think they did end up with three offsides on offense. I'm sure they couldn't hear the call a lot of times it is what it is, home field advantage I guess
Glenvar brought their band to Appo last night and played while Appo was at the line. In the past bands have not done that so our band retaliated for the first time i have ever seen it done and did the same.
If that’s true about the horn then that’s a shame.
Those things should be cut off when that starts happening.
There's a backstory on that.

Graham AD sent the cops into Union stands during their regular season game in Bluefield, to confiscate an air horn, which, by Graham fans admissions, could barely even be heard across the field. This was like killing a fly with a grenade. Total overkill.

The guys that had the air horn also own the train horn, and they promised the next time the GMen came to Bullitt Park it would blow a lot.

Of course, it wouldn't have mattered had we blown 10 train horns every second. Graham was phenomenal last night. Of all the teams I've watched play Union, I would rank the Graham team that showed up last night virtually equal to the 2016 Appo team, and I would say Graham's D was better. And I truly think that says a lot.
There's a backstory on that.

Graham AD sent the cops into Union stands during their regular season game in Bluefield, to confiscate an air horn, which, by Graham fans admissions, could barely even be heard across the field. This was like killing a fly with a grenade. Total overkill.

The guys that had the air horn also own the train horn, and they promised the next time the GMen came to Bullitt Park it would blow a lot.

Of course, it wouldn't have mattered had we blown 10 train horns every second. Graham was phenomenal last night. Of all the teams I've watched play Union, I would rank the Graham team that showed up last night virtually equal to the 2016 Appo team, and I would say Graham's D was better. And I truly think that says a lot.
That train horn has caused more controversy than anything else i can remember over the years. If it's not used in a responsible manner by todays culture (which sucks) we are going to find it being barred from use in any sporting venue and that would be a shame.
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Shouldn't be able to sound a train horn when the opponent is on the line of scrimmage and out of the huddle. That's low class. Graham was well prepared for the situation and was using the silent count to the snap the ball all through the first qtr.
That train horn has caused more controversy than anything else i can remember over the years. If it's not used in a responsible manner by todays culture (which sucks) we are going to find it being barred from use in any sporting venue and that would be a shame.
Maybe. They've been around for a very long time. Gate City has had theirs since the 60s I think. It actually started out as an actual steam horn off a train. Now it's an air horn on a vehicle.

I don't recall anyone ever complaining about a horn anywhere until Appo went to Giles in 2013. Now, it seems everyone has one and nobody likes them. Lol

VHSL may do something. Just hope it doesn't get like KY. Can't even shake a cowbell over there.
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Shouldn't be able to sound a train horn when the opponent is on the line of scrimmage and out of the huddle. That's low class. Graham was well prepared for the situation and was using the silent count to the snap the ball all through the first qtr.
Just keep in mind what brought it about. Police confiscating an air horn at a HS football game. In a battle of "low class", I think that one wins.
Train horns are fine. Blowing them when the opponent has left the huddle and on the line if scrimmage is not fine. Tid for tat is something children do, not adults. Union should be better than that and not hell-bent on revenge.
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Train horns are fine. Blowing them when the opponent has left the huddle and on the line if scrimmage is not fine. Tid for tat is something children do, not adults. Union should be better than that and not hell-bent on revenge.
One Union fan should be more adult than Graham's AD, a "professional" educator and administrator? Got it.

I love it when someone says "I'm going to act like a child and screw YOU over, BUT YOU should act like an "adult" , keep your mouth shut and take it. Makes perfect sense to me.
I have absolutely nothing to do with the train horn, but I certainly can't blame the guy.
I just see some fans who seem angry and bitter. Having a train horn and blowing it many times and making noise is awesome. But blowing it when the team is at the line of scrimmage is low class. Got it? See the difference? Got it? Graham's AD should show class and so should the couple of Union fans. Getting back at someone is immature and filled with anger. Anger shouldn't dominate the decision of doing wrong or right.

Besides, it seems like all a couple of Union fans did was piss Graham off and it helped contribute to a mauling and beating of historical precedence at home.
I just see some fans who seem angry and bitter. Having a train horn and blowing it many times and making noise is awesome. But blowing it when the team is at the line of scrimmage is low class. Got it? See the difference? Got it? Graham's AD should show class and so should the couple of Union fans. Getting back at someone is immature and filled with anger. Anger shouldn't dominate the decision of doing wrong or right.

Besides, it seems like all a couple of Union fans did was piss Graham off and it helped contribute to a mauling and beating of historical precedence at home.
Oh, I got it. Do as I say, not as I do. Clear as a bell.

And I don't think that train horn had anything to do with the outcome of the game. Just like when Graham laid down a lot of smack talk in 2015 and 2017. It didn't motivate Union anymore or less. Union was simply better. Just like Graham was better last year and this year.

All the talk on forums is a way for the fans to get involved in a game that has long since passed most of us by. They have nothing to do with the game or its outcome.

And why complain about a train horn when you won 48-7? Had it been 28-27 Union and the train horn caused a bad snap on the game tying XP, THEN I could see it as an unfair advantage. Just like I sympathize with Appo fans about their 2013 experience at Giles. Did it affect the game? No clue, wasn't there, but I would be upset had I thought my team lost as a result.

It would seem all of the Graham fans on this and the SWVA forum took the horn in stride, just like the McDonald's video last year, it's part of the fun fans can have since we don't actually play.

You seem to be the only person bitter and complaining about winning in a blowout. I would hate to see how you would have reacted had Union won. Sheesh.
If you read the meeting notes from the last VHSL gathering and artificial noise makers are on the radar. My only experience with a train horn was at Giles when they beat Riverheads but it wasn’t used in a manner that was $h!tt¥ in my opinion. It is freaking loud and obnoxious but it was also a huge part of why I loved the atmosphere of that game. The more talk that is brought up about it the closer it is to being banned across the board and that’s a fact. It would really suck for high schools that have had that as a long standing tradition to be honest but these are the times we live in.
I like train horns at games. Most people do. Most people do Not like train horns being blown when a team is at the line of scrimmage. You seem not to separate the two very well.

A couple Union fans were disciplined when they were warned not to bring air horns to the game. They broke the rules and did wrong First. Whatever wrongdoing occured to them happened to them. It didn't happen to the entire Union football team and as a non bitter person, you handle that situation with the Graham AD and Bluefield, WV police Dept. What you don't do is blow a train horn when the visiting team is at the line if scrimmage, thus trying to "get back" at the entire Graham team and are a bunch of kids. Most people on planet Earth would say, "that's uncool." I say it's low class. You are right, it didn't matter, but it's still wrong, whether Graham lost or won or obliterated you. And yes...they obliterated you.
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I agree teams should allow them, but use them responsibly or get your toys taken away. Blowing them after a team breaks the huddle is piss poor sportsmanship. I love the Union fans and their great tradition, but if the VHSL takes your noisemaker away-blame the guy blowing it like a a 3 year old on a sugar high. As for the incident at Graham, Union was asked not to bring a horn and somebody brought one anyway. Maybe not the train horn, but they still didnt respect the request of their opponent. Your toy got taken away, quit crying over it.Good Lord.
I like train horns at games. Most people do. Most people do Not like train horns being blown when a team is at the line of scrimmage. You seem not to separate the two very well.

A couple Union fans were disciplined when they were warned not to bring air horns to the game. They broke the rules and did wrong First. Whatever wrongdoing occured to them happened to them. It didn't happen to the entire Union football team and as a non bitter person, you handle that situation with the Graham AD and Bluefield, WV police Dept. What you don't do is blow a train horn when the visiting team is at the line if scrimmage, thus trying to "get back" at the entire Graham team and are a bunch of kids. Most people on planet Earth would say, "that's uncool." I say it's low class. You are right, it didn't matter, but it's still wrong, whether Graham lost or won or obliterated you. And yes...they obliterated you.

Incorrect. Graham said to not bring the train horn to Bluefield. The train horn wasn't brought to Bluefield. The police weren't sent for a train horn. They were sent for a little old air horn.

Like I said before, I have nothing to do with the air horn, train horn or any horn. Just me and my little cowbell. I'm just taking up for those guys and trying to correct some inaccuracies. Nothing bitter. I knew how this game was going to go many, many weeks ago when Union had the injuries and I projected these two teams to meet.

As for separating the difference between Graham's AD and blowing a train horn while at the line of scrimmage. I get it, I understand it. We didn't have a train horn in 2015 or 2017, but Graham still had multiple false starts and delay of games. Bullitt Park is loud, with or without a horn.

Revenge, if that's what you want to call it, is human nature. May not be mine, but it is in general. Defending the AD and not expecting retaliation is short sighted. And once again, why are you complaining? You should be laughing about it like the McDonald's video last year. Union blew a horn and Graham overcame it in awesome fashion. Joke's on Union.
Fact 1. A couple of Union fans break the rules and bring air Horn's to the Graham game in Bluefield. First "wrongdoing" goes to...... Union. Starter of the problem.....Union.

Fact 2, the Graham AD had the local police escort the Union fans out of the stadium to place their airhorns in their cars and they were allowed to return.

Fact 3. In order to "get even", these Union fans blew the train horn last night at Union when Graham was at the line of scrimmage, literally during the snap count all the way through the first qtr.

The Union fan in this thread is supporting the Union fans that did the above with misdirection, excuses, and tid for tat. The Union fans could have had a beef that needed settled with the AD personally. The Graham ADs actions didn't hurt the kids playing for Union. The actions by the Union fans blowing the train horn at Graham at the line of scrimmage was an attempt to hurt the kids on the Graham team and not the AD. The actions are not equivalent. The Union fan in this thread is acting like the fans that blew the horn at the line of scrimmage to get even. He's showing anger, and bitterness at the beat down Graham put on them, and if he can somehow when his stupid argument, in his mind, he feels he can somewhat nullify the beat down that occured last night.
And Graham guys, just for the record, I will be pulling hard for you to bring a state title back to Reg D. No hard feelings. This is turning into a nice little rivalry.

Appreciate the fandom, but a couple of Union guys blowing the train horn with Graham at the line of scrimmage and literally during the cadence is despicable. Period. It's low class and you don't do that to a bunch of kids that have nothing to do with the beef between some Union fans and the Graham AD.
Appreciate the fandom, but a couple of Union guys blowing the train horn with Graham at the line of scrimmage and literally during the cadence is despicable. Period. It's low class and you don't do that to a bunch of kids that have nothing to do with the beef between some Union fans and the Graham AD.
Low class? Lol okay buddy. Despicable? No one else cried about it like you have, quit being a baby. You won big.
Appreciate the fandom, but a couple of Union guys blowing the train horn with Graham at the line of scrimmage and literally during the cadence is despicable. Period. It's low class and you don't do that to a bunch of kids that have nothing to do with the beef between some Union fans and the Graham AD.
And here I was thinking I was going to follow YOUR advice and be the "adult." Guess I did understand correctly in the beginning.
Graham knew the train horn was coming and it would be blown incessantly because of the incident during the regular season. I actually like the train horn and the enthusiasm of the Union fans. Bullitt Field is a great atmosphere to play football. My only beef has always been blowing it after a team breaks the huddle and is at the line of scrimmage. Bottom line, Graham came prepared to play train horn or no train horn. I don't ever see Graham complaining to VHSL. Tony Palmer & staff are way too classy for that. I hope the train horn doesn't get banned by VHSL but when it's used like it has been , that might happen which is a shame. If anyone took my comments as whining then that's on you not me. Once again, congratulations to Union! Y'all had a great season and I'm sorry your team had some injuries. I hate to see any player hurt and not able to play.
Graham knew the train horn was coming and it would be blown incessantly because of the incident during the regular season. I actually like the train horn and the enthusiasm of the Union fans. Bullitt Field is a great atmosphere to play football. My only beef has always been blowing it after a team breaks the huddle and is at the line of scrimmage. Bottom line, Graham came prepared to play train horn or no train horn. I don't ever see Graham complaining to VHSL. Tony Palmer & staff are way too classy for that. I hope the train horn doesn't get banned by VHSL but when it's used like it has been , that might happen which is a shame. If anyone took my comments as whining then that's on you not me. Once again, congratulations to Union! Y'all had a great season and I'm sorry your team had some injuries. I hate to see any player hurt and not able to play.
Nope, you along with all the other Graham fans have been a class act, except for one. But I understand completely, every fanbase has at least one. Many have several. We definitely have ours.
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How satisfying it must have been to be scoring while any opposition is blowing a horn trying to disrupt you.
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Off topic here.
Anyone of you Union guys know if the Richlands kicker signed anywhere yet?
Off topic here.
Anyone of you Union guys know if the Richlands kicker signed anywhere yet?

I think he's just a junior.

He's listed as a senior on their Hudl page, but I haven't seen nor heard anything about him committing yet.

And he's actually being recruited as a punter. Apparently, he doesn't like kicking much according to an article on him earlier in the season.
He's listed as a senior on their Hudl page, but I haven't seen nor heard anything about him committing yet.

And he's actually being recruited as a punter. Apparently, he doesn't like kicking much according to an article on him earlier in the season.

I know he had an offer from Marshall, maybe Arkansas or Arkansas State???? Ryan Dye would know I'm sure.
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If my memory serves me right. Which it doesn't sometimes lol. But after the first meeting this year several of the Graham fans were giving Dixon grief for getting the cops to remove the horns.

Graham beat the brakes off Union last night and now they are still whining over a horn. Get over it. Move on. You got a game to prepare for!!!
Graham beat the brakes off Union last night and now they are still whining over a horn. /QUOTE]

That statement is a half truth which makes it false. There is no whining over a horn. There is general concern which a train horn .........wait for sounded during the cadence of the snap. It's that last part that is concerning and sometimes lost in the discussion.
If my memory serves me right. Which it doesn't sometimes lol. But after the first meeting this year several of the Graham fans were giving Dixon grief for getting the cops to remove the horns.

Graham beat the brakes off Union last night and now they are still whining over a horn. Get over it. Move on. You got a game to prepare for!!!

Difference is a train horn and a train horn sounded on cadence when ball is being snapped.
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Low class? Lol okay buddy. Despicable? No one else cried about it like you have, quit being a baby. You won big.

Absolutely, very low class to blow a train horn with an opponent during the cadence. That's low class and not cool. Graham is filing an official complaint with the VHSL tomorrow, so to say nobody cares makes you wrong once again. Also, your buddy Union_Fan states you are a giant douche from Union. I will copy and paste the email he sent if you wish.

Winning a game or losing it is not a substitute for right and wrong. The train horn thing is out of our hands now. It's in the hands of the VHSL and the chips will fall where they may. Don't be a baby about it, or in the words of one of your very own fans, don't be a giant Dou'''
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Absolutely, very low class to blow a train horn with an opponent during the cadence. That's low class and not cool. Graham is filing an official complaint with the VHSL tomorrow, so to say nobody cares makes you wrong once again. Also, your buddy Union_Fan states you are a giant douche from Union. I will copy and paste the email he sent if you wish.

Winning a game or losing it is not a substitute for right and wrong. The train horn thing is out of our hands now. It's in the hands of the VHSL and the chips will fall where they may. Don't be a baby about it, or in the words of one of your very own fans, don't be a giant Dou'''
I would like to see that myself since I didn't send it.

Please be sure to get the sender's screen name in your screenshot.

You do know what defamation and libel is, right?
I would like to see that myself since I didn't send it.

Please be sure to get the sender's screen name in your screenshot.

You do know what defamation and libel is, right?

Look man, whatever beef you have with him is yours. Honest and integrity are things we as adults should all be examples if to our kids. Now, it's time to move on from this and realize the Graham Union game is over. Arguing on a message board isn't cool.. My bad, I see where the email sent to me was from Union-Hammer talking trash about BigWinners and I see the email you sent me saying you knew about it on Friday night. My bad, sorry for the confusion. Also, poor BigWinners, a message sent from a fellow comrade and another comrade knowing about the email by evidently, being in discussion according to the email you sent me. You did say Union Hammer told you.

You guys need to get a long.
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