Salem & PH community and football families

mike salem

Nov 2, 2009
have lost a great leader and influencer of young people. Coach Steve Oliver passed away this morning. He was an assistant football coach for PH and Salem with Coach White. Along with football, he was a wrestling coach, and of course, a teacher. He loved to get the most out of his players and students, but he did it in a way that showed his love for them. I was fortunate enough to get to know him later in life and to call him my friend. He's not suffering anymore and I can see his big smile even now. My avatar is a picture of him from a Salem baseball game that we got to go enjoy together last spring. Prayers for his loving helpmate Rhonda, and for the Salem and PH communities.
I knew him through my children. We also had a few times to talk through the years. He was a great coach, leader of young people and most of all, a very giving human being. The Salem community lost a great humble leader and today we celebrate the life he led!