Just wondering which regions host this year. Is it already predetermined? Or do they go off of power rating?
Appreciate that.Region A plays Region B; C plays D.
Whichever team has the higher Power Points Avg will host.
Sorry East Guy, that is incorrect.
The VHSL sent a notice out about four weeks ago to all member schools, that clarified their intentions. Basically what they stated was, that except for football, A will host B, and C host D.
With respect to football only, the team with the higher power point rating after the completion of the regular season will determine which region will be the host. It will still be A vs B, and C vs D, but the power points decide which team host.
This has lead to a lot of confusion, since it was not adaquately explained prior to this recent VHSL announcement.
Looks similar in Class 4. You can all but hang your hat on Region D hosting Region CLooking at the power point standings posted in the adjacent threads, I think you can hang your hat on 3A hosting 3B this year.