I heard Landis and Grove are going to Amherst.Any update on JF and surrounding in regards to staff hired and/or staff staying at the schools? Amherst?
I heard Landis and Grove are going to Amherst.
Just stating what I heard.
I've heard the same @Vol...in my opinion Landis is guaranteed...Grove is just speculation. Xmas needs Grove though.
I’ve heard that Grove is actually considering coaching at LCA.
It might be more to the LCA thing than JF fans want to admit. I know your kids have to attend LCA if you are employed with them. Maybe him enrolling his kids there is a sign. It’s a big coincidence that he decided to enroll them at LCA at the time when the JF coaching situation wasn’t clear and the same time LCA is “unofficially” looking for a future coach.As in I heard that from someone in the know. He is taking his kids out of Forest and is enrolling them in LCA. Through that process he was approached. Have no idea if he’ll do it but do know at the least that they have talked and he wasn’t totally opposed. Coach Grove initially did talk about going to Amherst with Christmas - they have been and remain extremely close- but decided he didn’t want to commit to driving an hour to and from work everyday.
Nothing new? I feel like these staffs should be finalized by now or at least close to it.
Nothing new? I feel like these staffs should be finalized by now or at least close to it.
Grove? Dang you have a serious inside scoop then because he has made the comment multiple times since returning from his most recent fishing trip that he is not coaching anywhere next year. I have heard that he is willing to clinic with teams but not be a full time member of a staff. Not saying you're wrong just saying that that is not what I've heard.
And going where!Scott Jennings is coming from liberty, also mike Milner plus tricky Ricky.
Coming to EC Glass?Scott Jennings is coming from liberty, also mike Milner plus tricky Ricky.
Been hearing that liberty graduated a lot and was going to be down from last year. Poor get poorer, sucks to have 3 transfer out. What positions do they play? And are they good players?No jf
Still not sure who all is helping coaching at AmherstNo coaching staff.
Coach’s son who coached OLBs at JF with him is going to coach OLBs again.Still not sure who all is helping coaching at Amherst
Crews is in question from what I've heardCoach’s son who coached OLBs at JF with him is going to coach OLBs again.
Landis will coach O-line.
Hamlett receivers
Crews D-line (if he stays)
I’m not sure outside of that