A very strong suggestion for fans coming from the west to Williamsburg. Hit Rt.10 in Hopewell, enjoy the pleasant ride to Surry. Then take the very relaxing 15 minute ferry ride across the beautiful James River. You will dock right next to the three little ships that got our great state and country started. (And no, it isn't the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria). W&M is about 15 minutes from there.
Or, catch Rt 5 and enjoy the sites as you pass some of the oldest farms in the nation. You can't see it from Route 5, but my favorite is Kittiewan. Officially it was patented, ((Kings land grant), in 1618. But there is strong evidence that it was beginning to be established by 1611. That's only four years after Jamestown was first established. I can almost hear a settler saying, "I'm sick of being stuck in this damn fort, I'll take my chances on the outside"!
You can always take Rt60. That's not a bad ride either.
There, you have three choices that keep you off of the dreaded I64. I will say this, 64 is "usually" not too bad until after you get past Williamsburg. But on any given day, you can get hung up in snail's past traffic. The frustrating part, you never know why. Eventually you get back up to speed, and never pass a wreck, or highway construction, or any other reason for the "slooow dooown"! Consider the alternate routes, enjoy the trip, and travel safe.
With all things considered, Route 5 seems to be beat avenue of approach to W&M stadium. Is this correct ?