Storm V Wilson

Sep 9, 2019
I know all the talk has been on the RHS/Draft game but this is a big one for the Stormers Friday. Win and you are possibly in the playoffs! Huge achievement after the season they have had. Will this be a good one or will it be a romp? Thoughts??

Go Storm!
I am in the minority in thinking the Hornets pull this off but my reasoning is simple. To this point, I have not seen the Storm able to tackle consistently. Wilson has some weapons and will score if the Staunton team doesn't wrap up. I do think the Storm will score on the porous Wilson defense but I am not sure it will be enough. I look for a 28-20 game and honestly it could go either way.
I know all the talk has been on the RHS/Draft game but this is a big one for the Stormers Friday. Win and you are possibly in the playoffs! Huge achievement after the season they have had. Will this be a good one or will it be a romp? Thoughts??

Go Storm!
If the Staunton team that played TA shows up they win easily. If its the team that played LB its going to be a long night. To be honest I have no idea how this game is going to go. Staunton has the potential to win, but they cant have turnovers like they have had this season. Toss up IMO.
I agree with the toss-up feeling but if I had to pick someone I would go with the Storm. But the Waynesboro paper, which prints predictions each week from eight different sportswriters, went with Wilson by a 6-2 margin, so the Hornets are getting some love from somewhere.
This "Staunton" team (still can't believe it's not Lee after all these years) seemed on their way to a decent season after a 2-1 start.

I think the optimism was especially there after the double OT win at TA - but then the loss to Central (Woodstock) at home seemed to take the wind out of their sails - only to be looking at a MUCH better Lord Botetourt in the face the next week. I knew the loss would be a bad one, but never in my wildest dreams would I have pictured them losing 77-0!

But I remember looking at the schedule at the beginning of the season, and seeing them being overmatched in at least 3 games due to their youth/inexperience - plus those particular teams were predicted to be some of the best in their respective divisions - Lord Botetourt, LCA, Riverheads - and you can add a currently undefeated Stuarts Draft team to the mix.

Teams that they used to play annually - Broadway, Waynesboro, Stonewall Jackson, Bath County, among others - are also having similar bad seasons - but were not scheduled this year, and I think would've been a much better matchup for Staunton compared to the previous teams mentioned above.

Add to all of this a new coach and you can see why this team has the record that it does entering the Wilson game.

Hopefully this team can lick its wounds from a very tough season, and build for the future.
I'd like to see them win tomorrow, and would even rather see them get into the playoffs over Gap (not because of who SD would play, as I honestly think they both could present problems, but I just don't care much for BG), but I could see the uproar if Staunton gets into the playoffs at 3-7 over a 5-5 Gap team (only way Staunton gets in is a loss by BG) especially since BG won the head to head matchup
Does anyone have an update on the QB and WR from Fort? If they are out then I would take BG. In my opinion with them in it will be closer and could go either way. Personally if I am Draft, I don't want to see Gap again just because they are a little tougher to defend and rematches sometimes favors the defeated team from the first game. But having seen the Single Wing twice in Clarke and Gap, they should be more prepared and roll regardless of who they play. Thing is that Gap is a little more punishing running inside with multiple lead blockers so the D is taking shots too.
I'd like to see them win tomorrow, and would even rather see them get into the playoffs over Gap (not because of who SD would play, as I honestly think they both could present problems, but I just don't care much for BG), but I could see the uproar if Staunton gets into the playoffs at 3-7 over a 5-5 Gap team (only way Staunton gets in is a loss by BG) especially since BG won the head to head matchup
Just another reason I will be cheering for Riverheads on Friday

That makes zero sense. Because I don't care for Gap? I don't care for Riverheads, Fort or Wilson either.

In fact, I said that BOTH Staunton and Gap present problems. And I said that there would be uproar if Staunton wins and Gap loses, deservedly so, if Gap finishes at 5-5 with a head to head win over Staunton who would finish 3-7 and Staunton got it.
We of course appreciate you cheering for Riverheads, but the outcome of the Riverheads/Draft game will not have any impact on your game. SD will still be the number one seed in Region B even if they lose to RHS by 50 points, so if you guys make the playoffs at all, it sounds like you will be number 8 and yes, you would play Draft again.

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