TEAM VIRGINIA AAU 13u, 14u, 15u & 16/17u sign ups!!

Jan 1, 2008
The Blue Ridge Youth Basketball Association (BYBA) is sponsoring TEAM VIRGINIA AAU 13u, 14u, 15u & 16/17u AAU girl's basketball team for the 2009 season. TEAM VIRGINIA will be a highly competitive national and regional program.

To sign up for information on the upcoming try outs please email Coach Randy Dunton at for the 2009 player informational sheet. 14u, 15u & 16/17u "Navy" and "Maroon" teams will be selected with try-outs concluding the current high school season. However TEAM VIRGINIA coaches are active evaluating players on their high school teams and knowing of your interest will help determine the games that need to be seen.

The 13u (8th grade) team is holding open gyms January 18th from 4pm-6pm at Virginia Western Community College in Roanoke and January 25th from 4pm-6pm at Timberlake Christian School in Lynchburg. If you have not been to a open gym to date but have interest in trying out for TEAM VIRGINIA 13u "Navy" and "Maroon" then email Coach Randy Dunton at

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