VaPreps All District
Aug 30, 2012
Boys for some of you this is your first time in a game of this magnitude some of you were freshmen on the State team so you know the importance of this game. To the Seniors LEAD your team and do your thing and know once its over you did all you could. This is a game that is important to the fans but its not about any of us it's about you. We as fans don't show up for us we show up for the young men that we have coached or raised or even just watched play football. But for all of us we've watched you grow into men and a team of brothers no matter the connection we may have. Everything you have dealt with this season weather it was the week 1 lesson you took from Radford or Watching Dakota Humphrey do what he does best and make it look easy. Or if it was the war with the men from 8 miles down the road in RR you need to be thankful for every second of adversity and the challenges your opponents have blessed you with this season. These are the things that make you into MEN and the things that makes a team a TEAM. Steel sharpens steel and men you have a well oiled machine made of crafted and well coached steel coming into your home tomorrow at 2pm. They are going to use everything they have went through this season as fuel just as you should your newest opponent are warriors in RED they have one goal in mind that is to make it to Salem and win a 4th State Title. This should be your only goal as well each team stands in the way of the other and you should want it no other way to achieve this goal you have to adapt to and overcome all challenges put in front of you. And you will not do this playing as a group of individuals you can only do this as a TEAM. All of this is coming from a former GW player who in his last game for the TEAM against Floyd cried like a baby for 3 reasons. 1) I knew I would never take the field again with my BROTHERS. 2) I knew what the game meant to me and my family and I never reached the goal. 3) I saw my Teammates crying just like me and nothing I could do or say would help so we cried as team. We won as a TEAM and we lost as a TEAM but not 1 tear fell because I didn't give it my all not 1 tear fell because I didn't play for my TEAM and most of all not 1 tear fell because I didn't leave everything I had in my body on that field in Floyd and for that I am proud. So that is all you can ask of your TEAMMATES leave everything you have on the field. Play with RESPECT play with HONOR play with PASSION and play with PRIDE. Don't play for the fans don't play for yourself don't play for the school or town. PLAY for the man to your left and right they are ones who helped to achieve this level of success and they will be the ones you turn to win or lose to laugh with or to cry with. Football is not life it is a game that will change your life for the better if you let it. RESPECT HONOR PASSION PRIDE play with these and great things will happen.

Sincerely Just a fan. GO MAROONS!
Well said brother, I want to wish these kids the very best in all areas of success in life. This is a well earned and deserved opportunity for both teams. For the seniors If like to say, work hard, play hard, cherish every moment and have fun. To the juniors, sophomores and freshmen, the journey continues with you! also work hard, play hard, cherish every moment and have fun as well. My time has come and gone and the taste of defeat is rough, but to see each and everyone of these kids grow into young men is an honor to witness. Keep your heads up guys we love you GW! I want to wish all safe travels and I hope Wytheville shows open arms to anyone visiting God bless you all.

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