TV 29's Funny Blunder


VaPreps All Region
Dec 12, 2006
This wasn't really all that big but I got a charge out of it. Today was ACC Media Day, as most of you know, so the Charlottesville TV station showed a few minutes of both UVa and Virginia Tech talking about their upcoming seasons. Each segment was only a minute or two long and featured maybe three players and then the coach making various comments.

Coach Fuente was the last person to be featured in the segment and I noticed that when he was speaking, the caption under his name read: "Justin Fuente, UVa Coach."

I am sure my posting this will lead to some Cavalier-Bashing, but I just wanted to mention the mistake for what it was. For me personally, the most interesting thing the first weekend will be to see how JMU does down in Raleigh.
When your team's #1 goal, which is posted all over the facility, is to beat one specific team, which will take place in the last regular season game of the season, you are not in a good place. Shows a lot of respect for that opponent though.
When you start turning a program you got set goals somewhere and beating tech would be good place to start
I'm that rare person on either side of this rivalry where I like VT, but hope UVA does well unless they play VT or THE Ohio State, but what do you expect? They should want to beat their biggest rival.

Ohio State and ichigan are probably the biggest rivalry in college football, that is each top goal

Same with UNC/Duke, and those are 2 of top teams in nation every year.

That's why it is called a rivalry
I'm that rare person on either side of this rivalry where I like VT, but hope UVA does well unless they play VT or THE Ohio State, but what do you expect? They should want to beat their biggest rival.

Ohio State and ichigan are probably the biggest rivalry in college football, that is each top goal

Same with UNC/Duke, and those are 2 of top teams in nation every year.

That's why it is called a rivalry
I'm with you. I just love football here in Virginia. I root fairly equally for any in-state team. I try to keep up with the teams that have former Dinwiddie players on the roster.

I can actually sit down and watch UVA vs VT and enjoy the game without being excited or disappointed. I'll pick sides sometimes just to be a thorn in the side of whomever I'm with. But honestly, I just enjoy the game, nothing more, nothing less.
I'm with you. I just love football here in Virginia. I root fairly equally for any in-state team. I try to keep up with the teams that have former Dinwiddie players on the roster.

I can actually sit down and watch UVA vs VT and enjoy the game without being excited or disappointed. I'll pick sides sometimes just to be a thorn in the side of whomever I'm with. But honestly, I just enjoy the game, nothing more, nothing less.

I think that helps with me being a huge fan of Ohio State. Not in state, so I can dislike ichigan all I want.

I would like to see all of the VA teams do well though
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Hey Gunz, what would be the average attendance at SD home games if you averaged out over the season?
Hey Gunz, what would be the average attendance at SD home games if you averaged out over the season?

Hmm, that's a tough one. Some teams really travel well, while others dont. I could be way off, but I would say 1500-2000? I think the last 3 big games there (both Riverheads games and the Richlands games were 4000+. Presale tickets. Bleachers packed, and deep all around the fence.

But I could be way off
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Hmm, that's a tough one. Some teams really travel well, while others dont. I could be way off, but I would say 1500-2000? I think the last 3 big games there (both Riverheads games and the Richlands games were 4000+. Presale tickets. Bleachers packed, and deep all around the fence.

But I could be way off

That's darn good numbers.

Same situation with us, except its most of our opponents. A lot of the district teams don't travel well at all. I've seen less than 100 on the visitors side many, many times. I'll go so far as guessing that Salem will be our largest visiting crowd during the regular season. And that's sad. They will drive 3+ hours to support their Spartans, and most of the Central District team's fans won't drive 30 minutes.

This poor support from our district opponents keeps our total attendance on the low side. Which is a burden, financially. Other than saleries and benefits, our athletic budget is almost exclusively funded by the gate receipts.
That's darn good numbers.

Same situation with us, except its most of our opponents. A lot of the district teams don't travel well at all. I've seen less than 100 on the visitors side many, many times. I'll go so far as guessing that Salem will be our largest visiting crowd during the regular season. And that's sad. They will drive 3+ hours to support their Spartans, and most of the Central District team's fans won't drive 30 minutes.

This poor support from our district opponents keeps our total attendance on the low side. Which is a burden, financially. Other than saleries and benefits, our athletic budget is almost exclusively funded by the gate receipts.

Well if that's really good numbers then I am probably way off. I think those 3 games are about right from what I remember, but I could be wrong. And probably way off on average too.

Ask me something I might have a chance of being right about lol
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Well if that's really good numbers then I am probably way off. I think those 3 games are about right from what I remember, but I could be wrong. And probably way off on average too.

Ask me something I might have a chance of being right about lol
How about the correct lottery numbers for tomorrow night's $512 million drawing?
Attendance figures are a tough subject to discuss. We all want to hope and claim we have huge crowds.
Truthfully, at all events..., football, concerts, protest marches, neighborhood BBQ's, etc., we all think the crowds are bigger than they are.

I have the privilege of knowing our exact ticket sales at each home game, and I perpetually over-estimate the size of the crowd. I think a lot of the time it's simply wishful thinking. The only time I underestimate is for the very largest crowds. I'm usually 500 or more low.

Our stadium will officially seat just under 4000. But I'm her to tell you, it would have to be 4000 starving Ethiopians. Since most of us today are just "a wee bit larger" than when the stadium was designed, all 4000 would have to be really, really good friends.

Like most fields, we can probably handle another 1000 standing on a couple of hills we have, and being "rail birds" along the fence were they are allowed to stand. So I guess maximum capacity would be around 5000. I think for a few playoff games we have had between 3000 and 4000, but we average considerably less for the five regular season games. I would say 1200 to 1500 would be an average, but that is a little misleading. One or two games will always be around 800 or so, but homecoming and one or two more will be around 1800 to 2500, or more.

Dinwiddie does travel pretty well. Especially compared to the other Central District schools. There is a core of about 500 of us that will go to away games no matter where they are, who the opponent is, or what the weather is. It's pretty typical for us to equal or outnumber the home fans at away games. It also helps that our district away games are mostly less than 30 minutes away.

Here is a sad note. Three years ago, my brother in law counted the Petersburg fans at their homecoming game. At the National Anthem, there were 54 fans on their side. And that was homecoming!
Attendance figures are a tough subject to discuss. We all want to hope and claim we have huge crowds.
Truthfully, at all events..., football, concerts, protest marches, neighborhood BBQ's, etc., we all think the crowds are bigger than they are.

I have the privilege of knowing our exact ticket sales at each home game, and I perpetually over-estimate the size of the crowd. I think a lot of the time it's simply wishful thinking. The only time I underestimate is for the very largest crowds. I'm usually 500 or more low.

Our stadium will officially seat just under 4000. But I'm her to tell you, it would have to be 4000 starving Ethiopians. Since most of us today are just "a wee bit larger" than when the stadium was designed, all 4000 would have to be really, really good friends.

Like most fields, we can probably handle another 1000 standing on a couple of hills we have, and being "rail birds" along the fence were they are allowed to stand. So I guess maximum capacity would be around 5000. I think for a few playoff games we have had between 3000 and 4000, but we average considerably less for the five regular season games. I would say 1200 to 1500 would be an average, but that is a little misleading. One or two games will always be around 800 or so, but homecoming and one or two more will be around 1800 to 2500, or more.

Dinwiddie does travel pretty well. Especially compared to the other Central District schools. There is a core of about 500 of us that will go to away games no matter where they are, who the opponent is, or what the weather is. It's pretty typical for us to equal or outnumber the home fans at away games. It also helps that our district away games are mostly less than 30 minutes away.

Here is a sad note. Three years ago, my brother in law counted the Petersburg fans at their homecoming game. At the National Anthem, there were 54 fans on their side. And that was homecoming!

Well if the capacity for VHSL is 2500 (I believe that is the number for 1a-2a, if that means seats then I may be close to right. But I dont know. I dont have to worry about finding a seat, so I'm good :).

If you have around 1500, then I'll bet ours is probably around 1000 or less. Not trying to inflate numbers.

You may be able to tell something from that video of Richlands playoff game
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State Semi: Required Seating

Class 1, 1500
Class 2, 2000
Class 3, 2500
Class 4, 2500
Class 5, 3000
Class 6, 3000
I find three requirements for hosting a State Semi or Championship Games that are interestesting.

Only two bathrooms per gender required, regardless of Class.
Two locker rooms required.
A private dressing room that accomadates seven officials, with a shower and private toilet. (Interestingly, the shower MUST have hot water!)