Very important question and welcome all who can help out with an answer...............

Feb 20, 2011
Has anyone seen the realignment for the new four class model for the VHSL and if so do they have a copy of it or can they tell me what schools are in what region for Class 2A? Haven't heard anything as of late and was wondering if anyone could provide some info! Thanks in advance!
Has anyone seen the realignment for the new four class model for the VHSL and if so do they have a copy of it or can they tell me what schools are in what region for Class 2A? Haven't heard anything as of late and was wondering if anyone could provide some info! Thanks in advance!
executive committee deep six the ad hoc committee report - so no 4-Class anytime in the foreseeable future -

The thing that killed it was Class 1 and 2 wanted each class to crown two champions based on population. If each of the four classes did that we would have 8 champions (two more than we have now) so status quo prevailed.

They also rejected a 5-Class suggestion that came after that. Classes 1 and 2 wanted to stay the same and have them divide Classes 5-3 equally.
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