VHSL considering ways to shorten football season

I honestly don't know if that has been considered, but the main consideration is where do you put it? The area is so saturated that taking enough ground to build such a stadium, with its associated parking areas (because public trans is not going to be available, like for the Nationals complex) is nigh on impossible. Then you would have to also find a tenant team and there really aren't any. Some people clamor for George Mason to start a football team and build a stadium but I don't see that happening any time soon, if ever.
I would even prefer to go JMU (I am guessing with the success of JMU's team that facility would never be offered), or back to Richmond or UVA. But with the way Virginia demographics are and where VHSL schools are located there is really no good option. I understand that, just wish the location would be more centralized.

@falcettik Speaking of venues, have you visited the St. James in Springfield? I don't think they could host a championship game, but I was there recently for a tournament and was amazed at the facilities. I've never been in anything like it and wish I could have been an investor.
@falcettik Speaking of venues, have you visited the St. James in Springfield? I don't think they could host a championship game, but I was there recently for a tournament and was amazed at the facilities. I've never been in anything like it and wish I could have been an investor.
No, I haven't been there. I probably would only go there if there was a Westfield game there, or a highly anticipated game on a WF off week. And no, St James could not host a championship game. I don't know the capacity but from pictures I am not even sure it could hold the bigger regular season crowds.
No, I haven't been there. I probably would only go there if there was a Westfield game there, or a highly anticipated game on a WF off week. And no, St James could not host a championship game. I don't know the capacity but from pictures I am not even sure it could hold the bigger regular season crowds.
I believe its hosts smaller youth football games and I wouldn't expect it to handle high school games, especially with bands. As a fan of sports in general, its a great indoor venue with just about everything you can imagine, except a track.
Sorry, the current locations do not work "perfectly" for D5/D6, unless you live in the Beach area, or maybe RVA.

Unfortunately, none really. There are a few stadiums that could hold the crowds I have seen in the past decade but the parking nearby could not come close to holding that many fans:
WT Woodson, maybe 10-12K but parking is only good for about 10% of that.
Centreville 7-8K with parking for maybe half to three quarters of that if the neighborhood streets are used.
Westfield 6,200 seated (but I have seen 8K years ago with standing around the fence); parking would be adequate only if nearby office building lots were made available, certainly not a given.

Most other NOVA schools seat perhaps 3-4K max so they are really not viable options. And with no collegiate football programs in the area (NOVA) there just aren't any stadiums.

Then they 100% work perfectly. It's not the Tidewater's fault that NOVA is undeveloped for the sport.

Also, come off it. Someone is going to get in a bus for a couple hours, that's reality in the POs. You guys want some magical field and stadium to be equidistant from every team and magically be capable of changing each and every year. We're talking about being sensible. If NOVA has no option, as you state, then it's only logical to choose from the remaining spots and NOVA simply has to drive a little further, they're not on a bus for 7 hours, it's not the end of the world. 1A/2A aren't exactly at "home" in Salem either but it's a terrific venue to host a big game like that (hence hosting the Stagg Bowl for 20+ years). The only divisions that truly stretch the state are 3A and 4A which makes it more difficult to find a "fair" venue.
I believe its hosts smaller youth football games and I wouldn't expect it to handle high school games, especially with bands. As a fan of sports in general, its a great indoor venue with just about everything you can imagine, except a track.

TC Williams played their home games at the St. James this year. I didn't go to any of those, but I doubt it would be able to to deal with a state championship crowd in terms of seating or parking or traffic.

WT Woodson used to host state championship games back when they played them at high schools. Does a state championship really draw a bigger crowd than a regional championship with two local teams or is the real crunch just when fans arrive for the second game before people from the first game have left? Chantilly and Osbourn played at Freedom-Woodbridge in 2006, that isn't even a particularly large stadium.

UR's on-campus stadium is nice and would be a great venue but have they ever indicated any interest? With the FCS venues you also have to find a school willing to forego the chance of hosting a playoff game that weekend.
The attendance at LU was sub par. Hopewell and LB had a decent crowd but nothing like what I remember. Sad
I was on 460 Saturday while the games were going on. Not many cars parked in the usual places. Guess the attendance deal that is happening in other sports has hit the VHSL football playoffs.
I was on 460 Saturday while the games were going on. Not many cars parked in the usual places. Guess the attendance deal that is happening in other sports has hit the VHSL football playoffs.
A neutral fan like myself isn’t necessarily coming to watch Lord Botetourt get blown out by Hopewell. Too many state champions and too many classifications and no CROSS BRACKETS! No way should two teams like Varina & Highland Springs be playing in the second round. 4 Classifications would’ve hypothetically made it Galax vs. Stuart’s Draft, Appomattox vs. Riverheads, Hopewell vs Varina, and Highland Springs or Maury vs. South County.. Make it all at one venue and watch attendance skyrocket. Too many participation trophies. The VHSL basketball championships are a JOKE too!
A neutral fan like myself isn’t necessarily coming to watch Lord Botetourt get blown out by Hopewell. Too many state champions and too many classifications and no CROSS BRACKETS! No way should two teams like Varina & Highland Springs be playing in the second round. 4 Classifications would’ve hypothetically made it Galax vs. Stuart’s Draft, Appomattox vs. Riverheads, Hopewell vs Varina, and Highland Springs or Maury vs. South County.. Make it all at one venue and watch attendance skyrocket. Too many participation trophies. The VHSL basketball championships are a JOKE too!
You are 100 % correct on the basketball semifinals and finals games.
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