VHSL Executive Committee meets this month

I hope the VHSL bans out of season practice. Allowing out of season practice is the 2nd worst thing VHSL has ever done. #1 was back in the day when they moved girl's basketball to the fall.
I agree with you about year round practice. Can adults please stay the hell out of kids business and let kids enjoy playing different sports. The year round practice rule just puts more pressure on kids to specialize. Just my opinion. But since money/power/football seem to always win out, I dont see them changing. Also my opinion.
The never ending saga of "out of season practice". The VHSL (and I'm not a fan of a lot of their decisions) will never get it right and ultimately it's unfair to think they can with the big enterprise of AAU/Travel all around them. Since its inception and the fact that any kid no matter what ability level can play on a team, it's been the slow and agonizing death of high school sports for reasons that I won't get into it as I could probably type for 2 days straight.
As for the new legislation of the table, it will never pass as it's written. I'm guessing it will be tweaked and tweaked before getting any favorable ruling. For what it's worth, I don't have a problem with the current rule other than maybe a few more dead periods other than the weight room exception. Not a fan of shutting down the weight room.
My final thoughts-You will never get every school to agree with a rule in regards to out of season. The BIGGEST issue is the actual schools need to set up their own rules outside of the VHSL that best suits their schools needs. For example (smaller schools who need multi sport kids need to have many more dead periods and divide up so kids/coaches aren't having to pick what sport to go to. Create windows where every sport season has the same amount of time (this allows coaches and kids to have a break and to do other sports) I know some schools have done this while others just go with the VHSL rule. The issue starts and stops with the individual schools and not the VHSL in regards to this. It's ok for the schools to be the "bad guy/good guy" in this as it's what is best for the school/coaches/players involved.
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I think a big issue is how do you put the genie back in the bottle? VHSL doesn’t have a lot of enforcement power to make teams not practice, and I think a lot of football coaches practice because of the idea that they will fall behind if they don’t even if it’s not in best interest for their school or them personally. Football is a 365 day animal coaching wise. My issue if you enact no offseason practices in today’s travel culture what’s stopping baseball from taking their kids and putting them all on one travel team or basketball as well
My point exactly. ADs need to get with their staffs and come up with a plan that’s best for their school and programs. Blanket VHSL rules is not the answer for this massive problem. 100% agree the genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going all the way back in. Each school needs to find a happy medium
VHSL needs to ban year round practice and enforce it. Don't leave it up to school. If a team gets caught, ban them from post season for 3 years.
Don’t disageee with you HR6. Just being realistic about who is going to “police” this. The VHSL doesn’t have enough people to be across the state doing this. Especially is the more rural parts of Va. Heck-and that was the old way when open gyms were allowed. I can only imagine the debacle of “no open gyms etc” getting approved and then trying to police it. Prime example -school ends at 3:15 and a couple b-ball kids have a ball and stay after school for 10 min shooting and the coach walks in the gym and someone sees it and reports it? When a high school coach coaches an AAU/travel team that has no affiliation with the schoo but has all of their kids on it ? How does that look to outsiders but more importantly-what’s the truth? The new language is more strict than the old way and if anyone thinks 0 contact with kids other than weight training/conditioning will make things better are fooling themselves. Kids will be pushed more to AAU etc thab they already are. Way too many variables. Leave it up to the schools...easy to govern. Schools have administrators so let them administrate.
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At some schools, the football coach runs the athletic program. Some principals are weak when it comes to sports, even some ADs.

VHSL can have an uncover investigator, who rides around the state "looking" at high schools after 3 p.m., as a means of enforcement.

As for AAU, I think the problem with year round practice, involves football affecting other sports, more than AAU basketball, which is another type of cancer.
At some schools, the football coach runs the athletic program. Some principals are weak when it comes to sports, even some ADs.

VHSL can have an uncover investigator, who rides around the state "looking" at high schools after 3 p.m., as a means of enforcement.

As for AAU, I think the problem with year round practice, involves football affecting other sports, more than AAU basketball, which is another type of cancer.
State of Va is awful awful big to have 1 or more (being paid albeit) to ride from Southwest VA to the Tidewater to Northern VA. The issue is way bigger than football. Numbers for all sports is down across the nation due to a lot of reasons. Too many to get into in this thread but a few 7 on 7s or a league in summer isn't causing a kid to not play bball. No one in our area is practicing football year round. I mean no one and there are some pretty good programs around here. Heck bball teams play in summer/fall leagues etc. Indoor soccer leagues in the winter. Baseball/softball teams hitting in the cages during fall/winter. It's all relative and not under the football umbrella. Ultimately- It's the principals and AD's job to maintain order for their respective schools. If they are not doing this that is on them.
I know of one situation in which the football/basketball/baseball coach have scheduled workouts at the same time. Makes multiple sport kids have to make a decision on what sport is most important.
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Also up for a vote Wednesday is a proposal to increase the maximum number of regular-season baseball and softball games from 20 to 22 plus an invitational tournament which could include a maximum of five games.
The following new sites for 2018-19 state events are up for a vote Wednesday:

  • Class 1, 2 and 3 cross country — Green Hill Park in Roanoke County.
  • Class 1 and 2 golf — Virginia Tech’s River Course.
  • Girls Open golf — Heritage Oaks G.C., Harrisonburg.
  • Class 4, 5 and 6 volleyball — VCU’s Siegel Center.
  • Class 3 and 4 indoor track — Liberty University.
  • Class 1 and 2 spring jubilee — Salem (tennis at Virginia Tech)
  • Class 3 and 4 spring jubilee — Liberty University.

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