I've decided no response is the best. I mean, are you actually throwing out Blacksburg as an opponent?
i do see regional bias. The best teams are in the NOVA and Tidewater areas. That's just all there is to it. My comment on Chancellor was that they were my dark horse team and they would be quite good. I don't see that as biased in that I have also discounted them for the last three years.
Amherst should give Salem some work. I hope so but it's tough to see that with what Salem returns. Pulaski continues to improve but they're just not that type of program anymore. Fleming is just no good. Blacksburg is a rug. They lay there. I can't imagine how anyone even mentioned them as competitive. It's why an undefeated team was not on top of last year's seedings. Poor SOS. That's not me. Those are the numbers according to the VHSL.
And if that Championship game was played again tomorrow, I'd still pick LT.
But who's got the ring?