Who's the favorites in 2017?

Is fort and GW going to 2a next year?...just wondering cause I heard they were...
Fort is going back 2A GW needs to drop the cupcakes off schedule, put some meat of there, maybe Abingdon, Richlands, Carroll County or even a C-burg, B-burg. Would help them more then playing these schools with 150 200 students.
Going by all of the brilliant logic on this board lately I have it figured out. The top 8 teams in D 1 next year will be Riverheads, Windsor, Washington and Lee, George Wythe, Northampton, Central (L), Stonewall Jackson(Quicksburg) and Essex.

I get that you are being facetious and that is fine.
However, Riverheads and George Wythe were in the top 4. Central was the #4 seed in the east, Essex has been a very good team for a while and will likely be better than this season in 2017, Washington and Lee was a playoff team in 2A and is dropping down. So 5 of the 8 you mentioned have a shot at being in the top 8. I would be willing to say that 4 of those teams end up being in the top 8.
This funny coming from the biggest crybaby school in all VA

didn't the vhsl stop yall from hosting playoff games oh that's right they did. then the people in the know told yall it was about your bathrooms. its not it is your fans that show up in the 4th quarter and your refs don't believe me galax just hosted a state semi final game they have no restrooms on visitor side either that's funny
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didn't the vhsl stop yall from hosting playoff games oh that's right they did. then the people in the know told yall it was about your bathrooms. its not it is your fans that show up in the 4th quarter and your refs don't believe me galax just hosted a state semi final game they have no restrooms on visitor side either that's funny
He's not an Essex fan. I believe he is a West Point fan. But no sadly out East we dont get the support that the schools out West do. Not the kids fault though. They still put in the work just as much as anyone. Can't help that the community support isn't what it should be.
He's not an Essex fan. I believe he is a West Point fan. But no sadly out East we dont get the support that the schools out West do. Not the kids fault though. They still put in the work just as much as anyone. Can't help that the community support isn't what it should be.
Yes but he has run that mouth for 3 years and it is old
I was at the game and have no problem with the players of Essex one player was cheap and took a few shots late but. the field was ok. and I'm not sure why the vhsl did what they did but fort did complain but not about facilities
If you don't think the amount of students matter and it is just 11 on 11 maybe you could get Fort in 5 or 6A where they could excel.
Hey dipstick, we are talking about 1A to 2A. You start going from 1A to 6A, then it makes a difference. You understand now?
Fort is going back 2A GW needs to drop the cupcakes off schedule, put some meat of there, maybe Abingdon, Richlands, Carroll County or even a C-burg, B-burg. Would help them more then playing these schools with 150 200 students.
Why? They still want win. Haha.
Why? They still want win. Haha.
The Fort as a football program speaks for it self with 15 winning season in 56 years. Beat GW 4 times in past 25 years. Since you played in 89' you may have beat them once. You all beat us in basketball back then too,bahahah!
The Fort as a football program speaks for it self with 15 winning season in 56 years. Beat GW 4 times in past 25 years. Since you played in 89' you may have beat them once. You all beat us in basketball back then too,bahahah!
GW win state this year? Thought there was only one parade this year. Bahahaha. Maybe next year.
The Fort as a football program speaks for it self with 15 winning season in 56 years. Beat GW 4 times in past 25 years. Since you played in 89' you may have beat them once. You all beat us in basketball back then too,bahahah!
To the Biggest, fastest, deepest team in all the land. How did that work out for y'all? Bahahaha
Hey Dipstick, it is still 11 on 11 according to you, so why would it mater what class you are in??????
Your in the trash class. So far down in SWVA, we tired to sale that part to Kentucky and they didn't want it. Bahahaha
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the Football Fans who have been on or read this stuff this season . Christ is the reason for the season ! After all is said and done , this is high school football ! May God bless everyone ! Remember all roads to the Championship run thru Greenville . LOL
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Going by all of the brilliant logic on this board lately I have it figured out. The top 8 teams in D 1 next year will be Riverheads, Windsor, Washington and Lee, George Wythe, Northampton, Central (L), Stonewall Jackson(Quicksburg) and Essex.
Windsor will not be a top 1A team. In their district alone Sussex, Surry, and Franklin are going to be much better than them.