Change can be hard


VaPreps All State
Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
came on today and saw the board changes. Have to give it a real chance before I make an opinion. Working in IT, change is the single hardest thing to mitigate. Application and Engineering are simple compared to client acceptance of changing the ways they are comfortable with.

I'm a comfortable client but will try to give this change every opportunity to show me why it's better.
Just playing around here Shaunty. Trying to prove you can teach an old dog a new trick once in awhile.

This new setup will take a little getting used to, especially for folks like me. I don't participate very much in social media except basic communications such as e-mail and a forum or two. No facebook for me. So, people like me with limited skills and experience will struggle and look silly sometimes. I ask on behalf of all of us IT challenged individuals, that everyone have patience and feel free to offer us your guidance.

You are right, change can be hard. But refusal to change can be harder!
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The big thing in this format is that when we start threads we need to be really clear in the name. You don't see a whole string of titles, just the first one. I don't want to have to click on them all to decide if it's one I'm interested in.
Threads do have a tendency to wander off topic, sometimes for the better and other times for the worse.