4-5 Class Model


Richmond Region Football Writer
Dec 17, 2012
Mechanicsville, VA
So there has been a lot of discussion over the last year or two from fans about the 6-class system and how it should be either a 4 or 5 class system. So in the few weeks since the state championship games, I put together a couple of models... one a 4-class and the other at 5-class. Take a look and see what they could look like.

5-Class Model

4-Class Model
So there has been a lot of discussion over the last year or two from fans about the 6-class system and how it should be either a 4 or 5 class system. So in the few weeks since the state championship games, I put together a couple of models... one a 4-class and the other at 5-class. Take a look and see what they could look like.

5-Class Model

4-Class Model
Both look good. Have to earn your way into the playoffs.
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Both look good. Have to earn your way into the playoffs.
Yeah there is wiggle room in some regions to move a team from one to another or class to class.

I know a lot of folks complain about disproportionate size of regions but we must remember regions are geographical so of course not all regions are going to be equal.
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Good stuff, Dan! Out of curiosity, what was your ADM threshold for each class per model?
To be honest I did not have one. I just capped things evenly at first and then took numbers and bunched them for example if Class 5's last school in was at 560 and Class 4 had a school at 558 and then then there was a gap to the next school of 548, I moved 558 to Class 5.
Looks good Dan. Thanks for the hard work you put in. For you personally, would you rather have a 6/5/4 Class system? For me personally, if changes were made, I'd go with 5 Classes.
I like the idea of four classes the most...but 5 would be interesting as well. Earning your way into the playoffs is the way it should be. Some of those regions though in both models...sheesh! Depending on the sport there are some absolute bloodbaths out there. Love it.

Looking at this stuff in the past...those two middle classes always as an issue with a MASSIVE region. Really hard to make a region that doesn't look like King George all the way down to GW Danville, or Handley, etc. We have that problem now with 6 classes (just look at 4D).
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I would be in favor of either system as long as they force LCA to be in class 3 or higher. Having them in class 2 would be diabolical. 😂
So there has been a lot of discussion over the last year or two from fans about the 6-class system and how it should be either a 4 or 5 class system. So in the few weeks since the state championship games, I put together a couple of models... one a 4-class and the other at 5-class. Take a look and see what they could look like.

5-Class Model

4-Class Model3a

So you expect craig co. To line up and play graham????? In 3a why would a school with 900 in reg. D play a school with 1350 in reg. C....PULL your oujia board back out SHELDON
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I would say leave it at 6 classes. Go back to playoff system where #1 vs #16, #2 vs #15, and so on. Tired of seeing same old matchups during playoffs.
Would never work..... if #1 is in va. Beach and #16 is in grundy, who's gonna drive 800 miles roundtrip on a Friday nite on a school bus to get your brains beat out. A lot of schools would be forced to forfeit,,,, to much $$$$.
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Was there any stated benefits for using 3 grades instead of the whole school?
Was there any stated benefits for using 3 grades instead of the whole school?
Here is a quote from @one man a while back discussing the same topic that seems to be the best explanation that I have found.

"Students are most likely to drop out in 12th grade which can skew numbers. Inner City and Remote Rural schools tend to have the highest dropout rates. They could have 250 in a freshman class but by the time that class are seniors, significant dropout rates could leave that same class with 180 graduating. You would think they'd take 10-12 to get more realistic numbers for varsity sports but I was told it was more about predicting growth of schools so they take 9-11 for that."
Here is a quote from @one man a while back discussing the same topic that seems to be the best explanation that I have found.

"Students are most likely to drop out in 12th grade which can skew numbers. Inner City and Remote Rural schools tend to have the highest dropout rates. They could have 250 in a freshman class but by the time that class are seniors, significant dropout rates could leave that same class with 180 graduating. You would think they'd take 10-12 to get more realistic numbers for varsity sports but I was told it was more about predicting growth of schools so they take 9-11 for that."
Makes enough sense to me.
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So you expect craig co. To line up and play graham????? In 3a why would a school with 900 in reg. D play a school with 1350 in reg. C....PULL your oujia board back out SHELDON
This mindset is why VA high school sports is in the shape it is now. Poor example cause what has Craig County ever done against schools its own size?? Grayson County played down this year and got spanked by a legit (in numbers) C1 school in Essex. It’s either you’re good enough to compete for a championship or you don’t deserve to be there.
Would never work..... if #1 is in va. Beach and #16 is in grundy, who's gonna drive 800 miles roundtrip on a Friday nite on a school bus to get your brains beat out. A lot of schools would be forced to forfeit,,,, to much $$$$.
They did it several years ago, and it worked just fine. if a school doesn't want to travel, Then FORFEIT! There are 34 states larger than Virginia in square miles, Tx. Ca. Fl. just to name a few. They travel a lot father then any team in Va. would come close to. Also I think you didn't give the true picture. The way it would work is instead of Region's A, B, C, & D playing 8 team regional playoffs, A & B would combine and play 16 team bracket. Same for C & D. So not as much travel as you stated.
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So there has been a lot of discussion over the last year or two from fans about the 6-class system and how it should be either a 4 or 5 class system. So in the few weeks since the state championship games, I put together a couple of models... one a 4-class and the other at 5-class. Take a look and see what they could look like.

5-Class Model

4-Class Model
Danny, you know me, I like things the way they are. In my experience, the current system is the best and most equitable I’ve seen. Is it perfect and without shortcomings? Of course not. And I would support a tweak here and there. But, anything significantly different is just going to create issues elsewhere. I look at it like holding a water balloon. You lift one end and the other end sags. And back and forth we go. Just get it as stable as you can and that is the best you can do.
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