In light of the fact that some schools and/or school districts came out strongly for severing the VHSL ties with LU, what is your opinion? Not on the statement that mentioned Muslims. Rather, your opinion about the VHSH being associated with a university that openly encourages the legal possession of firearms on campus.
Opinions about LU are typically polarizing, regardless of topic. But for purposes of this particular thread, please base your opinion exclusively on the "bearing of fire arms on campus" and if this is reason enough for the VHSL to break ties.
Please don't give us a rant. State your stance, but justify your position.
This may well be a particularly sensitive topic because of the tragedy at Virginia Tech. (And, with incident that occurred at Smith Mountain Lake). I remind everyone to frame their thoughts in a manner that is respectful to all that were affected. Thank you and let's have a good debate.
Based on most of what I've picked up from reading everyones' posts over the years, I'm probably one of the more liberal people who posts regularly. So I can offer an opinion from that end of the spectrum. I'm not interested in debating any of the following, as that's been done ad nauseum on plenty of more appropriate forums. I'm just offering my opinion, as DP requested.
My personal opinion is that the US has a problem with runaway gun violence that is approaching, or has already reached, critical mass. I'm in favor of anything that reduces the availability and presence of firearms amongst the general populace. That said, that genie got out of the bottle decades ago, and unfortunately there's probably no going back. That's my personal opinion on the subject, which is relevant because it's diametrically opposed to that of LU's leaders. Yet, I still attend games there. What the VHSL's opinion on the matter is is their business, and doesn't affect my attendance of events either way. As Keith_Stone said, the politics of the host site don't really concern me. Well, they
do concern me (in the sense that I disagree with them), but not enough to keep me from attending an event that is important to me.
As DP pointed out, LU tends to polarize people. I am not a fan of LU, it's founder, or its current leader, in any regard. Like, not a fan
at all, if you catch my drift. I realize many here are, so...different strokes. Agree to disagree, etc. When I first went to Williams Stadium for the 2004 state title game, I was completely underwhelmed. They
have improved the facility over the last twelve years. [About the best I can say is, if you're willing to walk a little from across 460, the parking is easy in, easy out.] Still, I'm in favor of
anything that moves the football games, and all high school events away from LU; I never liked having to go there, for any reason. If the reason for moving happens to be VHSL disdain for LU's firearm policy, so be it. The VHSL can break ties for whatever reason they want, as long as they're not violating a contract. For me, literally any place else is better. Hopefully, that didn't qualify as a rant.
W&M will have a lovely, just-renovated Zable Stadium ready in December. Embrace it. If Salem's there, I'll be there; if not, I won't be. Exactly the same as if the game were (or is) still at LU.