I completely agree. I am not going to pretend I know what anyone else goes through in this country or around the world, and as a white male I don't know what it is like for african americans, and I can see the need for bringing up the issues (I wish it didn't need to be brought up), and while I don't agree with how people are choosing to make a stand, it is their right to do so. In my opinion, IF someone tried to remove a player for this it would start a big fuss because they were removed, and then you would have more people doing exactly what they were doing in support of the players being removed, and then it isn't even about the reason for it in the first place, thus causing even more of a distraction and removal of players. Think about this, players take up for their teammates all the time, whether it is on the field or off, so if a player is dismissed for an action they take, I would be willing to bet that people from that team and all over the country will do the same and could ruin teams all over the country just because people doesn't like the looks or stand that someone is taking. I will say it again, I DON'T AGREE WITH IT (how they are choosing to do so, not the issue), but how can we tell someone what issue they should believe in?