Spotsylvania HS is in the most rural portion of the county. There is a residential neighborhood on Brock Road and I assume any school age kids that live at lake Anna attend Spotsy HS. The heavily populated residual areas/neighborhoods in Spotsy County are around the other high schools and the students attend those.
Yes, the heavily populated areas are around other schools; particularly Massaponax and Riverbend when it comes to newer subdivisions and then Courtland and Chancellor when it comes to older ones. However, by geographic size, Spotsylvania has the largest area. And if you know the Board of Supervisors, they haven't met very many housing developments that they haven't approved.
As a matter of fact, for years, the zones remained untouched leading to massive overcrowding; particularly at Massaponax where they had something like 17 trailers at one time (which was over a decade ago when I subbed in the county). Within the last decade, the School Board finally redrew the attendance zones for high schools. The only school to not be affected was Riverbend (despite being 21 years old, that school is still perceived as "the palace" in the county" and the Board didn't want to tick off the "affluent and high dollar" residents whose kids were zoned there). Heaven forbid, any got bumped from Riverbend to Chancellor. That sound have caused quite the pouting match.
But as someone like myself who lives on the Lake Anna Autobahn (Rte. 208) between the Spotsylvania County Courthouse and Lake Anna, we are getting growth out this way. It's a much slower growth here (10 homes here, 20 homes there) versus 2,600 homes here and 1,000 homes there with many still to be build particularly in the area currently zoned for Massaponax (Rte. 1 is a disaster from Massaponax High School up until the ramps for I-95 along with stretch of road out on Rte. 17 towards New Post near the Caroline County line.).
I don't know the trailer numbers now, but I know that the County is short at least 200 teachers as of a report several months back. Add another high school and that number will go up. And with the towering shell of Stafford County's sixth high school (no name yet, opens in 2026) just to the north of the Rappahannock River along Rte. 17, the competition for teachers will be even more fierce.
And we don't have school choice here like Stafford County. Generally, the only time that the kids leave their own zoned school is to go to the Vocational Center which is located at Courtland or when they have to Governor's School (which, I know from 2011-2014 when I subbed was at Riverbend).