Hey Blaster and BCBbacker, Congrats to both GW and Bland. I expected GW to win against TS, but that thing Bland did against PH, well that will be remembered for the ages.. Next week both GW and Bland will tangle.It should be a good one. Hey BCBbacker, that Freshman QB, how big is that young man?
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i want to say 6'2 maybe.... I think. Not sure of the weight. He's a little thin but don't see him staying that way. From what I hear the young man works hard. He threw 4 tds and ran for 5 in the last two games. But what has been the most impressive thing about the kid is his composure. Bland had about 4th and 15 against fort late in the 4th and it seemed like bland was done for, he took control and made the play to save the game. 3rd and long last night, same deal. He played a masterful game last night. He just knows how to play the position and ran the option like he's a senior. His pitches were excellent and made the d play the entire field. His play has accounted for more tds than his stats indicate. With that said he could very well struggle Friday against gw but for blands sake I hope not.
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Yeah that kid is going to be very special for the Bears and GW better not try and arm tackle #17 good lord that kids will not quit moving lol
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Coach Harris is a good man. Kids screw up. I did not want names of kids on here just wondering if they were starters or just some kids that were ready for the season to be over.
Jumping in a little late, but I could see my buddies doing something like this to me or vice versa, not posting it online but just picking on each other. Doing it as a form of hazing is completely different though if that was what this incident was about. I guess what I'm trying to say is every incident like this doesn't have to be bullying. It appears this one was though.
Don't think it was bullying from what I've heard. Just zero tolerance by the school. This team is a close knit group and reports from those close to the situation said they were being stupid but it crossed the line when one recorded it and posted it. Kids don't understand the consequences/risks of social media. The stories I've heard since this incident about kids posting pics of themselves with some degree of nudity has amazed me. If parents/schools are waiting until high school to educate, it's too late.
Not saying it wasn't illegal or that the school handled it improperly. They screwed up and now have to deal with the consequences. I hope this increases awareness for kids because they don't think before hitting send or post.
BCBbacker, I have found a new title for you that seems to fit you well: Bland County School Ambassador! Yes my friend, you have all the attributes that it takes to fulfill that role, and you should make your school proud in how you have handled all the questions and statements that have surrounded Bland this past week. Now with NEW title comes the responsibility to keep being yourself by keeping us ole farts up to date on the Bland Co gossip, sort of like they do in Mayberry. No more of this 67 to 58 stuff! How about 49 to 48? And that Freshman QB, if anybody as much as touches him in practice, you let us know, and we will take care of them, no more cookies and milk after practice!
You and Blaster have a good game this weekend. Blaster will need some new batteries for his pacemaker before Friday night. All kidding aside, best of luck to both of you , My Freinds, Enjoy the game!
I want to point out how positive this thread came out. It could have been very ugly, but the amiable attitudes abound. And as for Friday...I love GW...I love Bland...So I'm going to look at it as a win-win either way. Congrats to both schools! I'm gonna say GW in a high scoring fun night.
Some tried to bring it down but they got shut up after BLAND pulled out the win that was apparently impossible lol. And I agree should be a very fun night Friday at GW.
BCBbacker, I have found a new title for you that seems to fit you well: Bland County School Ambassador! Yes my friend, you have all the attributes that it takes to fulfill that role, and you should make your school proud in how you have handled all the questions and statements that have surrounded Bland this past week. Now with NEW title comes the responsibility to keep being yourself by keeping us ole farts up to date on the Bland Co gossip, sort of like they do in Mayberry. No more of this 67 to 58 stuff! How about 49 to 48? And that Freshman QB, if anybody as much as touches him in practice, you let us know, and we will take care of them, no more cookies and milk after practice!
You and Blaster have a good game this weekend. Blaster will need some new batteries for his pacemaker before Friday night. All kidding aside, best of luck to both of you , My Freinds, Enjoy the game!
Haha no pacemaker but I might need to go see the doc and get some blood pressure meds should be a good one.
Thanks Chilwar25 but that title appears to come with a heavy dose of responsibility. The win was a great win for the team and shifted the focus back where it should be concerning this team. There is a school board meeting tonight so hopefully there will be resolution in this situation and all involved can move on. The constant back and forth on facebook and other social media sites have not benefited any involved and placed one young man in very uncomfortable situation. These young men are not savage bullies who targeted one of their teammates. They are kids who made a stupid mistake and it has cost them. I know the kids have learned something from this incident and can only hope others will as well.
BCBbacker, thanks for your reply. My heart goes out to the young men involved in this event that occurred within the team. Before I retired, I worked for some 30 years at DSS, and yes I saw many cases similar to this during my tenure. There are no winner or losers in this case. We, as citizens, parents, fans, students and coaches are victims of bad judgement, poor judgement, and the victim of being young.
When I sat in on an appeal of a case, I often looked to see if there was intent involved. One may ask if indeed there was intent to inflect harm on an individual, or was the action a case of no harm to induce intent, but just pure lack of good sound judgement by one individual upon another that resulted in harm. That is were the truth rest. Again, we all lose in these cases. The young man who did the wrong has paid the price. The young man who is the victim will live to see another day. God forgives. We must forgive also.
Peace My Friend!
Just as a reference I wouldn't call snapchat social media. On a snapchat account the only people who can see what you post as a story are those who you've approved.

I personally think it's an overreaction by the players mother. Boys will be boys. I have friends who have done the same thing.

Heck when my father was in high school they stole one of the players clothes while he was in the shower and left him only his football helmet. Lol
I'm only 25 so I'm in that generation who does it.

Snapchat allows you to send a picture or video, which last typically from 3-10 seconds depending on what you said it at. Longest you may do is 10 seconds.

You can only send snaps to folks who have approved you on their friend list. You can save snaps to what's called a story, where it last 24 hours, and everyone on your friends lists is able to see it.

It's a very fun app for my generation. I use it daily to stay in touch with friends. I really think this whole things has been blown entirely out of context. It's very unfortunate for the players on this team
doesn't matter what you "say" it is, it's still illegal.
I have been a head coach. One year my best player whacked another player (on the butt) in the locker room. They were both just horsing around like some players do. Nothing more, nothing less. Another player (freshman) who witnessed this went home and reported the incident to his mother. Mom calls the Superintendent of the school district and reports that hazing was happening on my team. Ridiculous right???? I got called into a meeting with four administrators who were conducting the investigation. They took it extremely serious and after 2 full weeks and interviewing every player on the team concluded there was nothing to the charge. If the word hazing is used you are automatically guilty until you prove yourself innocent. I came very close to resigning on the spot because the accusation was just stupid and absurd. I don't know what happened at Bland but I have learned to withhold judgement on these matters unless I know the facts. AND our society has gone haywire over the politically correct rules. I know there is hazing, it can be dangerous/destructive but not sure where the line is. We tend to paint everything with a broad brush.
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I know when I played we would mess with each other all the time but some see it as just that and that others don't. It's like you said guilty until proven innocent now sadly.

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