Obviously they're not allowed on the field when the play is in progress, but there's an issue of who is watching the sideline when the action is on the field. In other words, where is the action and where is the coach. If he is a step or two on the field and the ball is on the other side of the field or 40 yards away, it's probbly not going to be noticed. If the play is near the boundary and the coach is right there in the middle of it, that's going to be a much different result. There are sideline warnings and sideline interference rules and if it happens twice, the coach is looking at an ejection.
During a time out the normal rule is that the coaches can be between the sidelines and the numbers or one coach can go to the middle of the field. That's not really true this season as the rules have been modified for social distancing and basically they can be anywhere under the theory that they need the space to stay distant. I didn't notice a lot of social distancing going on during time outs, but no one complained.