Colonial Beach Over Essex


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Jun 10, 2014
Colonial Beach has made a believer out of me , defeating Essex will be a gigantic task but I'm picking them to do so . Essex has been very giving in the turnover department if the CB can win that battle and operate that ball control offense to perfection I'm going with them to pull this off. Keeping Essex high powered offense on sideline is the key in this one ! CB 22 Essex 20 . NN district either way will be highly respected come playoff time .
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I still think the Essex defense is playing well enough to push them in this one, but it is an interesting match up. Essex has yet to establish a passing game and can be turnover prone. It could be tough to run on that loaded box. I am going Essex 21 Beach 14.
It will defintely be a good game, and I might go since we sere suppose to play KQ. Also considering going to Luray RH. CB will have to limit the big play. Will be hard for them to score 2 tds against Essex D. If Essex has an advantage its depth. 45 or so vs about 20