Cox QB Cole Johnson transferring??

Aug 22, 2012
Heard an interesting comments about Cox QB Johnson transferring to Bishop Sullivan next year and reclassifying..... Anyone know if there is any truth to this talk??
Re: But why reclassify? Isn't he a junior?

The boy is breaking records for a program that's been run first forever. Might even be the best QB in that district right now, and that's big considering recruiters loom for the talent. Reclass, for private school ball in VA? I'm just thinking his stock will rise if it hasn't already.
It is NOT Cole that is transferring, It was his older brother Critt. Critt played for us as well and had season ending shoulder surgery before the season started. Critt who is a Sr. transferred to reclassify so he can play another year of Basketball. I assure you Cole is not going anywhere.
I am aware of Critt transferring before this school year. I was just trying to confirm what is being said by people on the Bishop Sullivan staff. I think he (Cole) should stay where he is and continue his success at Cox. Transferring and gaining the extra year at the private school level would not help him. Just look at their current QB situation, he has put up great stats at Sullivan, but it has not benefitted him in the recruiting game. He would have had better success at getting offers by staying at Grassfield and playing against better competition. He should stay put and make a name for himself at Cox and rewrite all the record books there.

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