Cross Country: The Thread


VaPreps Honorable Mention
Sep 15, 2009
Who will be the boys and girls favorites in 4A? I know most of the Loudoun County schools, especially Loudoun Valley, are usually strong. The E. C. Glass girls also seem to be perennial contenders; I'm not sure about the Hilltopper boys. Blacksburg's move up from 3A should make things interesting. Having compared the Bruins' state meet times from last year against their 4A counterparts, I would think the Blacksburg girls will be right in the mix for the title this fall. The Bruin boys should be contenders for a trophy (top three) at state.

In this neck of the woods, Cave Spring usually has a decent team. Patrick Henry and Hidden Valley often do, as well. Auburn and Radford seem to have a couple of the better programs among the smaller schools. Salem is inconsistent at best on the boys side, and consistently not remotely a factor on the girls side.

What will be some other good teams from around the state? Top individuals? Come on, people - let's hear about those harriers!

As someone who participated in cross country all four years in high school, I still try to follow the sport. Which isn't easy, as it seems to get perhaps the least amount of coverage of all high school sports from the conventional media outlets. Believe it or not, when I was running in the mid- and late-seventies, the Roanoke Times used to print previews of all the local cross country teams. It usually took up one complete page.

I can't remember seeing a post about CC since VaPreps went to the "Fall Sports" format. Of course, on the old "Cross Country/Track & Field" board, once you got to the second page, you'd find posts that were nearly ten years old. It was not exactly Grand Central over there.

My hope, with this post, is to generate at least a little conversation about the sport. Even if people who have no idea what it is want to ask, "Just what the heck IS cross country?"
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Spartan, did you run XC with a guy named Greg Martin? He was the XC coach at Martinsville during my days. He always said that he had run at Andrew Lewis and my guess at his age would've made him a mid 70s grad.
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Spartan, did you run XC with a guy named Greg Martin? He was the XC coach at Martinsville during my days. He always said that he had run at Andrew Lewis and my guess at his age would've made him a mid 70s grad.

I did indeed. He was in Salem's first graduating class in '78. A good runner, and a good guy. Also provided comic relief; sometimes, a bit too much for the taste of the coaches. On one return trip from a track meet at Cave Spring, the assistant coach pulled the bus over - still at least six miles from Salem High - and barked, "Martin - OFF!" A stunned Greg was left by the roadside, to make it back to the school as best he could. I wasn't there, but the story lives on. That wouldn't fly today.

Yes, I think Greg, as a junior, ran about fourth or fifth on the Andrew Lewis team that was '76 AA state runner-up. That was a great team, and we finished a distant second to Handley, who was just unbelievable. The Judges scored 30 to AL's 69. As I recall, by time comparisons Handley would have easily won AAA that year, and Lewis would have had a good shot. Handley won five consecutive state titles from '74 to '78.

As a senior, Greg was in the top three on Salem's team that won the Roanoke Valley District - the first-ever district championship won by a Salem High team in any sport.
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Good story there. Coach Martin was definitely a clown even as a teacher/coach. I remember him playing volleyball in the gym before regionals and broke a bone in his leg or foot. Definitely wasn't a smart move, but luckily it was the coach and not one of us!!
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Good story there. Coach Martin was definitely a clown even as a teacher/coach. I remember him playing volleyball in the gym before regionals and broke a bone in his leg or foot. Definitely wasn't a smart move, but luckily it was the coach and not one of us!!

Is he still coaching at Martinsville?

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