Enrollment question on Riverheads

Nov 24, 2007
Latest data I can find on Riverheads is 513 students for the 15-16 school year. VHSL states 1A cutoff at 475 students. Are freshmen not included in sports enrollment? Just curious, thanks
Pretty easy to find enrollment #s on the VHSL website for the 2015--2017 cycle
Riverheads 475
Essex 468
GW - 435
Galax - 397

I wouldn't be shocked to see the number change to 500-510 in the next cycle with the bigger schools being built in Nova especially.
VHSL needs to change the formula someway somehow. I see schools that were AAA under old system have dropped to 3A. Just matter of time before they're 1A or 2A. Women still having babies. Where are they going to school at ? Everyone can't go to some new school in Loudon County.
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VHSL needs to change the formula someway somehow. I see schools that were AAA under old system have dropped to 3A. Just matter of time before they're 1A or 2A. Women still having babies. Where are they going to school at ? Everyone can't go to some new school in Loudon County.

That's an excellent observation HR6 :)
Pretty easy to find enrollment #s on the VHSL website for the 2015--2017 cycle
Riverheads 475
Essex 468
GW - 435
Galax - 397

I wouldn't be shocked to see the number change to 500-510 in the next cycle with the bigger schools being built in Nova especially.
Pretty easy to find enrollment #s on the VHSL website for the 2015--2017 cycle
Riverheads 475
Essex 468
GW - 435
Galax - 397

I wouldn't be shocked to see the number change to 500-510 in the next cycle with the bigger schools being built in Nova especially.
Thanks. I was actually looking at the schools website via Google. It was stating 513 students and 41 full time Teacher's. Appreciate the clarification.
VHSL needs to change the formula someway somehow. I see schools that were AAA under old system have dropped to 3A. Just matter of time before they're 1A or 2A. Women still having babies. Where are they going to school at ? Everyone can't go to some new school in Loudon County.

And some of those AAA schools like George Wythe who has around 800 kids I believe had losing streaks in football of 40+ games....
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Thanks. I was actually looking at the schools website via Google. It was stating 513 students and 41 full time Teacher's. Appreciate the clarification.

This is Riverheads current enrollment, but when the last realignment was done, they had 475 students. Schools grow and shrink since the last realignment was done. You could see Radford, Fort Chiswell, Riverheads, Luray, and Windsor all moving up to AA in the next cycle, and Grundy moving down to A.
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I like Gilliam's proposal of buffer zones in enrollment cutoffs. Rather than a hard cutoff like 475, there should be a range like 450-500. Schools whose enrollment falls within that range may play in the higher or lower classification, whichever makes geographical sense, preserves stable districts, and maintains natural rivalries. This would prevent teams like Riverheads, Central-Woodstock, and Stuarts Draft from bouncing back and forth every alignment cycle.

The downside of the buffer zones is you could have schools playing 1A that are larger than 2A schools. Larger schools at say 499 students may elect to play 1A when located near smaller schools, while smaller schools of 455 in areas with mainly 2A schools would elect to play 2A. I don't think it's a huge problem though because we're only talking about a difference of a few dozen kids. For all intents and purposes, these schools are the same size, despite what number is being reported. These enrollment numbers are not exact anyway. They are based on average daily attendance.

I'd personally like to see a 2A (450-900) Shenandoah district that includes Riverheads, RE Lee, Buffalo Gap, Fort Defiance, Wilson Memorial, Stuarts Draft, and Waynesboro. East Rock, Page, and Luray could join William Monroe and Spotswood to form a resurrected 2A Skyline District.
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I think there are a lot of schools around the state playing in wrong division. And some schools seem to switch divisions every two weeks.
I like Gilliam's proposal of buffer zones in enrollment cutoffs. Rather than a hard cutoff like 475, there should be a range like 450-500. Schools whose enrollment falls within that range may play in the higher or lower classification, whichever makes geographical sense, preserves stable districts, and maintains natural rivalries. This would prevent teams like Riverheads, Central-Woodstock, and Stuarts Draft from bouncing back and forth every alignment cycle.

The downside of the buffer zones is you could have schools playing 1A that are larger than 2A schools. Larger schools at say 499 students may elect to play 1A when located near smaller schools, while smaller schools of 455 in areas with mainly 2A schools would elect to play 2A. I don't think it's a huge problem though because we're only talking about a difference of a few dozen kids. For all intents and purposes, these schools are the same size, despite what number is being reported. These enrollment numbers are not exact anyway. They are based on average daily attendance.

I'd personally like to see a 2A (450-900) Shenandoah district that includes Riverheads, RE Lee, Buffalo Gap, Fort Defiance, Wilson Memorial, Stuarts Draft, and Waynesboro. East Rock, Page, and Luray could join William Monroe and Spotswood to form a resurrected 2A Skyline District.
I like the sound of your Shenandoah District. You could not beat it for travel time and convenience. As for the other district, you would be wiping out the Valley so what would become of Broadway, TA and H'burg?
Harrisonburg's significantly higher and growing enrollment presents a challenge. I would have them and TA join the Northwestern district with the Winchester schools. Broadway falls in the buffer zone where they could also go to the 3A Northwestern or 2A Skyline. This is just my analysis and nothing being discussed
People don't realize 475 isn't a finite number... that just happens to be the top enrollment of the 1A team with the most kids.
That number will move every two years. -- Its a matter of math
I like the sound of that reconstructed skyline district , would def save on travel every week . As for the people thinking teams playing in the wrong division , riverheads has been the smallest 2a school in the state the past few yrs . Like casto says , it doesn't matter what division they put us in , line us up with a team and put us on the field .
We play 1a , 2a and 3a teams and last time I checked both teams put the same number of kids on the field to play ball . 11 right ? Lol
All I'm sayin is it's not the number of kids in a school that makes a good team ! It's how well those young men are coached and prepare every week for their games that makes the team successful . I say sure play all the teams in your area to cut travel expenses
They don't change the schools division every yr so the number enrolled at the time they classify the schools is what they go by , it's gonna fluctuate up and down in the time period between classification . Not much u can do about that
With the projected school district line changes in 2017 we will loosing aprox 30 kids to stuarts draft district
My Friends, as game time nears in the beautiful town of Wytheville, let us all remember that we can not let losing or winning define us as who we are as adults. As adults, parents and fans, we are just fans of a sport we all love to watch our youth play. Let the outcome define us as individuals who can understand that life itself takes us on an emotional time, when we must be stalwarts in our children's life, guiding them through the ups and downs they will face everyday of their lives. Let it be said that our belief is that no man may be a winner in the eyes of God, unless he has given his all to make life itself better for his neighbor. It is not how much we give, but it is the spirit of giving itself that defines us as a person on this Earth that defines us. It is how we chose to react to victory that makes us set the examples that our children will remember, not the agony of defeat. At this stage, there are no losers. Both teams are winners. Yes, we can all count numbers on the scorboard, but let us not let those numbers define us as individuals on God's great Earth. Let the numbers represent the amount of points scored, and for one team will go forward, and the other will not. It's a game, My Friends. May the spirit of God be with our young men, and keep them all from harm. Best of luck to both teams in Wytheville, My Friends
I like Gilliam's proposal of buffer zones in enrollment cutoffs. Rather than a hard cutoff like 475, there should be a range like 450-500. Schools whose enrollment falls within that range may play in the higher or lower classification, whichever makes geographical sense, preserves stable districts, and maintains natural rivalries. This would prevent teams like Riverheads, Central-Woodstock, and Stuarts Draft from bouncing back and forth every alignment cycle.

The downside of the buffer zones is you could have schools playing 1A that are larger than 2A schools. Larger schools at say 499 students may elect to play 1A when located near smaller schools, while smaller schools of 455 in areas with mainly 2A schools would elect to play 2A. I don't think it's a huge problem though because we're only talking about a difference of a few dozen kids. For all intents and purposes, these schools are the same size, despite what number is being reported. These enrollment numbers are not exact anyway. They are based on average daily attendance.

I'd personally like to see a 2A (450-900) Shenandoah district that includes Riverheads, RE Lee, Buffalo Gap, Fort Defiance, Wilson Memorial, Stuarts Draft, and Waynesboro. East Rock, Page, and Luray could join William Monroe and Spotswood to form a resurrected 2A Skyline District.
Buffer zones would be good especially in division 2 county schools. Puts that area in a hard spot to field a team with an entire county with very low enrollment having to play city teams that have proven programs that can legally pull kids from other programs.
Well geez... I was just about to propose dropping all divisions altogether and having a free-for-all.

I do notice Jmu'sGoat does not seem to find issue with Red18's claims yet attempts to belittle my perfect 4 division solution.

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Hey mmqp, I certainly do not have the answers to the VHSL issues surrounding classification or divisions of our high schools across the Commonwealth and high school sports. I am not sure that there is one exact answer to the issues that face many schools in Virginia. One thing is for certain in SWVA; the enrollment continues to decline apparently, and more D1 schools are consolidating, creating more D2 schools. I also see where a lot of the larger schools are faced with declining enrollments, thus dropping down a division or two.
I do think the VHSL did at least try to address some of the issues over the past several years. But what was Good for the Goose, was Bad for the Gander, so to speak. Virginia can not be alone in this predictiment, as there is talk of several class 2,3,4, schools in North East Tennessee talking consolidation. The reason, simply put, Money.
If we talk money, you bet the VHSL will perk up. But, as I understand, reform is not a function of the VHSL, that is a functions of the membership. Please correct me if I am wrong about that. The membership being your local school principals and school boards.
Back in the day, I can remember when there was only 1 or 2 divisions across Virginia. Yes, a small school like Saltville would play Danville. Of course those days are gone, and we are left with what we have, and it ain't perfect, and never will be, in my opinion. The so called problem is not going away. I guess the question is are our young athletes on the field of play, in a fair atmosphere of competition? To me that is what should be formost in the policies set by the system we have in place. If we put sportmanship and fair policies of competition in place, then we as adults will be helping our youth on the field of play, to the best of our ability. Just a few of my thoughts.
Hey mmqp, I certainly do not have the answers to the VHSL issues surrounding classification or divisions of our high schools across the Commonwealth and high school sports. I am not sure that there is one exact answer to the issues that face many schools in Virginia. One thing is for certain in SWVA; the enrollment continues to decline apparently, and more D1 schools are consolidating, creating more D2 schools. I also see where a lot of the larger schools are faced with declining enrollments, thus dropping down a division or two.
I do think the VHSL did at least try to address some of the issues over the past several years. But what was Good for the Goose, was Bad for the Gander, so to speak. Virginia can not be alone in this predictiment, as there is talk of several class 2,3,4, schools in North East Tennessee talking consolidation. The reason, simply put, Money.
If we talk money, you bet the VHSL will perk up. But, as I understand, reform is not a function of the VHSL, that is a functions of the membership. Please correct me if I am wrong about that. The membership being your local school principals and school boards.
Back in the day, I can remember when there was only 1 or 2 divisions across Virginia. Yes, a small school like Saltville would play Danville. Of course those days are gone, and we are left with what we have, and it ain't perfect, and never will be, in my opinion. The so called problem is not going away. I guess the question is are our young athletes on the field of play, in a fair atmosphere of competition? To me that is what should be formost in the policies set by the system we have in place. If we put sportmanship and fair policies of competition in place, then we as adults will be helping our youth on the field of play, to the best of our ability. Just a few of my thoughts.

Oh the new system blows the old system out of the water. Hands down. When you'd have, say, George Wythe playing in 2A and Buffalo Gap/Nelson County being in 1A due not to enrollment but geography..well thats a problem. The new system addressed that. And it's been great! Not perfect, but still better than what we used to have (except for the ignorant cross-bracketing in the semis, but that's not on the VHSL).

And it's a heck of a lot better here than, say, Maryland where all of what we'd call 1A includes all schools with less than 900 students in them. Absolutely ridiculous for the small schools...most of which have stopped even bothering fielding teams (Pocomoke, Crisfield, St. Michaels, Mardela..).

And things were like you say at one time..but schools were a lot smaller back then as well. Just think, TJ of Richmond was once one of the largest schools in the state and had a great football program. But that's been like 60 years ago.

One thing my system does is address the "everyone gets a trophy" argument (which is flawed anyway since we've had 6 state champs every year since 1986...the "good ol' days" lol). But how dare me expect schools with 1600 students to compete with schools with 2600..and let me put aside the fact that these big ol schools I'm surrounded by have many, many other sports to choose from thus evening the field with the smaller schools. But I'm supposed to believe that Chincoteague and Colonial Beach should be able to compete with schools 3 times their size. Whatever. It is what it is. Like I say, the system now still beats the crap out of the old system.
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I agree with chilwar25 that the best 11 6a school is gonna have a better 11 then 1a . Was just sayin there isn't that much drop off in talent between 1 a and 3a in this area . Wasn't trying to n sharp honest john , was tryin to b funny because I'm sure everybody knows how many kids are on the football field .
OK Red18, I see were you are coming from. My bad, I should had give your opinion more thought before I jumped
On your post. I apologize!
It's all good chilwar25 , the number goes up and down between the cycle so not much u can do about it unless they go to a yearly cycle , but we don't have the big numbers to choose from . Don't think those couple extra kids people see on that number make much of a differance in my opinion ,
The best 5 players from a D6A would beat the best 11 from a D1A school, so exactly what are you talking about?
The best 11 argument *shakes head*

Again its numbers --- over time if you have 800 kids to choose from you should be better in the "long term" vs a 400 person school. It's not ALWAYS the case but again over time.
You look at Rockbridge and Parry McCluer as an example... PM took a decade worth of beatdowns but the past 2-3 years they have come out on top. Over time though it's not unrealistic to think rockbridge should have the advantage more times than not.
Never disputed that the best 11 6A players were better then the best 11 1A players ! Where did u even come up with that ? If u look back this was a question about riverheads enrollment and discussion about 1 A , 2A .
Hey Honestjohn, I guess I owe you an apology also for my jumping to conclusions on your earlier post. I certainly meant no offense in any way.
As far as Hurley basketball, you never know what your Rebels will have, until the final horn blows.
Reregardless of how my team does, we are in the same conference with Galax, GW, Fort, RR, & Bland. It is going take a very good team to even compete with GW and Galax.
The football Rebels had a great year. We had a lot of fun with some of our post during football, and please stay in touch, My Friend
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I agree with chilwar25 that the best 11 6a school is gonna have a better 11 then 1a . Was just sayin there isn't that much drop off in talent between 1 a and 3a in this area . Wasn't trying to n sharp honest john , was tryin to b funny because I'm sure everybody knows how many kids are on the football field .

Lord Botetourt vs. Riverheads. That would be interesting.

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