Fall sports?

First, H.R. 6666 is a federal bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. I stopped watching the guy in the video when he tried to make it sound like it only applied to the author's home state. So far, it has been introduced and sent to a committee, with no further action. Of the current cosponsors, all but one are from the same party. Which means it will not pass the Senate, controlled by the other party, even if it suddenly advances in the House. And would not be signed by the current President also of a different party.

If you are concerned, you can track H.R. 6666 on and just put the bill # in the search bar at the top.

Hopefully we will have sports back before you know it.

Yes, HR 6666 will never be passed. However, the same type of ideas can, and are, being introduced at the state and local levels. Ventura, Ca is a perfect example of this. He lives in LA so yea, if it happens in Ventura County it will follow suit in LA.

And yea lets hope sports are up and running soon enough.
VHSL shut down any plan for the entire summer as of yesterday afternoon. Basically saying that as long as schools are shut down so is any type of weight training/out of season practice etc. etc. Fall is not looking good for VA and that is heartbreaking to say the least at this point.
Yeah GHS87, I bet you that ole left winged tool from BSG "BigWinners' wants shi# to be closed this fall. The same old troll that lauded those sheeple blowing that train horn when the GMEN were lined up on the line of scrimmage and snapping the ball: This leftist is now claiming his "moral high ground" with COVID19 He's a Bolshevik. I'm coming down to that crappy park they call a football stadium this fall when the Gmen come to town, and if that train horn blows one time when the greatest show on earth is at the line of scrimmage, I'm going to smack the taste out of BigWinners mouth and put it on Facebook Live and post it.

See what I'm talking about boy? That is FOOTBALL! We need it. We love it. I'm also kidding with you BigLosers.....BigWinners. Kind of......
We're still locked up tight here in NoVa. Then again this is commie central.. or comedy central depending on what you think when you see morons driving along with no passengers and a mask pulled up as tight as they can get it around their mouth. Must have missed the part a few weeks back when their beloved Fauci was saying masks do not help. Then again that midget had a mask on today as well so he must not have taken his own advice. WHATEVER.
Fall sports may be able to meet starting July 1st if proper protocol is followed. Stay tuned...
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VHSL is awaiting direction from the State of Virginia. There has already been a "protocol" to school systems on how to safely re-open. IF schools are allowed to open, the VHSL is awaiting "protocol" and fall sports could possibly meet as early as July 1st. The timing of the "phase 3" opening will determine if this is possible.
PLEASE let there be a season!!!!!
I don’t want to miss a second of my sons senior year!

I hope you get to see your son's senior year. Appomattox should have one heck of a team again this year. They were very talented and very well coached.
I hope you get to see your son's senior year. Appomattox should have one heck of a team again this year. They were very talented and very well coached.
Appreciate that. Hate the thought of him missing his senior season and me missing the chance to watch him play.
Appomattox has some holes to patch but if they can they will be formidable. They open against a VERY TALENTED Buckingham squad that whooped us last year.
I hate to say it, but if there isn't a football season, I don't see a lot of schools being able to financially support winter and spring sports. I know that where I live the AD said that football pays for all other sports besides boys basketball. School divisions are already having to cut budgets for next year and if you take away football earnings as well, say goodbye to some other sports.
Football is the cash cow for high school and college sports. Not much hope for the sports that attract 10 -15 fans for a game. I used to umpire softball and had a final district game for the regular season championship. There was maybe 20 fans there. The school did not make enough $$$$ to pay us. Only 2 umpires.
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It is my fervent hope that the Class of 2021 does not have to endure what the Class of 2020 (Spring Athletes and students) had to go through.
Appreciate that. Hate the thought of him missing his senior season and me missing the chance to watch him play.
Appomattox has some holes to patch but if they can they will be formidable. They open against a VERY TALENTED Buckingham squad that whooped us last year.
This year has the potential to be one of Greatest Battle of the Axe we've seen. Things look cloudy though...
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The clouds are starting to part. Check the home page of VA. Preps. The VHSL is preparing for the possibility for fall sports to open...
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Going to be awful tough if only one player can touch the football....
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Astro-Zeneca and Cobra Biologics. They should know of it's effectiveness by July (pending clinical trial - which they want to fast-track and if it proves to be effective, it could be in wide-spread use by September.

Wouldn't that be anecdotal according to Fauci like the Hydrochloriquine? Or does he have any business with these companies?
West Virginia High Schools can start conditioning on June 8th....I think Tennessee is already conditioning.
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