Yes..Brunswick has a solid team that Franklin figured out..just couldn't stop Owens at quarterback..he is pretty good..
Essex remaining schedule and current records of teams:

10/16- Colonial Beach. 1-5
10/23- Lancaster. 5-1
10/31- W&L. 3-3
11/6- Rappahannock. 5-1.
Both Lancaster and Rappahanocks one loss has been to W&L. Rapp & W&L do play again as their first game was a non district game. Rapp & Lancaster play tonight.

Believe Riverheads has Page tomorrow night and also Stonewall Jackson and Wilson Memorial and finish up the regular season with Stuarts Draft
KWHS95, any clue what is up with Colonial Beach?? I was expecting them to have a good team again this year. Their current record is surprising to me.
They've played some tough team. A decent private school from Maryland, Franklin, Sussex and Rappahannock. They have a very good back in Lamar Lucas but aren't a very big team. They will still give you everything they have and fight you to the end. For such a small school, around 200 students, they have been pretty solid for awhile. Obviously this year their record doesn't show it but they have a good coaching staff and run a very unconventional offense.
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KWHS95, any clue what is up with Colonial Beach?? I was expecting them to have a good team again this year. Their current record is surprising to me.

Very one dimensional, and everyone knows who the one dimension is
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The only team left on RH schedule with a chance is Stuart Draft. They lost to Gap 21-14 and RH beat gap 21-14. RH will have their 2nd string in before for half in their next 3. Essex will have a much tougher go of it against some very good teams and rival 2A WL. There are some teams in the east that could upset RH or Essex. Franklin, Sussex, Campell, Lunenberg. Like Parcells said about Romo, I wouldn't bring out the anointing oil just yet.
Ok that's what I saw then cause it was something like a int or a fumble with 1:10 left and someone said that was what put yall up.
I know its still a while until the playoffs start but with it being week 8 of the season sadly and a lot can change between now and then who do you think will be the FINAL 4 this year mine is


This is my opinion nothing more would love to hear what you guys think
Don't forget Radford..didn't they throttle GW in the opener? Yes I know GW isn't the same team you will say but If Grant is healthy they beat GW or Galax in the West IMO. I would take either GW or Galax as the other semifinalist.
I just don't think they can do it to us again we have adjusted out whole D he didn't run on us in the 1st game it was the threat of Finley being able to run also. That opened up the pass now we know what the can do so Grant and Finley will have spies on them all night if we play again. GW didn't think Radford was a team to worry about and we found out otherwise plus we had a lot of kids starting for the first time that's not the case anymore. It would be a much closer game 2nd time around either way.
GW didnt think Radford was a team to worry about? Thats the finniest thing I've heard.
Fellas I'm telling you the kids didn't worry about Radford that whole week they goofed off and paid for it 55-27 if I recall correctly. We went down to Radford the year before and gave them all they could handle but gave the game up late. So our kids being our kids didn't take them as seriously as they should've that's the one thing I will agree with a lot of people about us we can be very cocky at time always have been.
I think that is a very weak excuse but none the less it was butt kicking weather they took them serious or not.
Well seeing that isn't an excuse its the truth ask anyone in the know at GW we didn't take them serious and if you go back to the post I made the night of the game I clearly said they simply beat the breaks off us. And I also said it was a blessing for the kids that it would wake them up and it has. Galax is the only team who has given us a game sense then and if the pass that is showing up now would have showed up for that game it would've looked a lot better for us to.
George Wythe has improved in so many ways from the beginning of the season. But as a great coach told me little mishaps will be what beats them when they play better teams. Was it 3 turnovers in the first half on Friday? Even a great team can't do that and win against another team. Once they tighten that up I will consider them a top contender.
Agreed its the basics that we need to worry about right now and no we only had 1 fumble against chilhowie and that was on the first play of the game. We controlled the whole game from go we took Wells out after the 2nd Q and Hardin was out in the 3rd. Now we may have put the ball on the ground 3 times but only lost it once and chil had nothing to do with those fumbles it was our kids running before they had the ball.
Let me ask now with it coming up on week 9 has anyone's opinion changed on who they think will be in the Final 4?

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